
25 Jan 2013

For this assignment I have combined the addons: ofxMacamPS3Eye and ofxFern, creating a simple Augmented reality application.


This addons is probably the only way to get the long praised Playstation3 EyeCam working inside Openframeworks. It’s capability to run at 60fps at a resolution of 640×480 make it the best affordable solution for AR or any kind of computer vision tracking applications.


ofxFern is an implementatin of the Fern tracker from EPFL CVLab. It’s written by Theo Watson and used in an interactive application they did for the Boards Magazine, back in 2010 – More about his project

Demo Video:

Concept and Process:

A cover of a book with 8bit art is augmented with animation, when shown on the cam.

I tried couple of different images, but colorful magazine and book covers works best with Fern tracking, two color card, won’t work. Then the process is pretty simple, ofxFern will give you coordinates of the four corners of your book cover, which you could use to draw a rectangle textured with a image from a video, in my case the video was created in After Effects using the original static image.
