ofxMSAPhysics // by memo
I selected MSAPhysics purely based on the fact that I’ve never worked with any physics engine/library. This add-on will add a lot of value in creating impressive visuals. Who doesn’t like flashy particles? I would be very interested in combining this with data visualization in some way, or create interactive interfaces with it.
ofxKuler // by alinakipoglu
I love Adobe’s Kuler website. I think it would be very interesting to use the color theme from Kuler to create for example texture patterns or other visuals. I also see potential with the reserve, to create your own theme through creative input other than the color picker. I don’t think the add-on currently supports the creation of your own themes, but it would be something to look into for development.
ofxSocial // by alonecloud
I’ve always wanted to create an application that talks and interacts with social media websites. I think there’s a lot of space to create personal experiences by pulling personal data into an interactive application. To avoid having to deal with privacy issues, abstract visualization of personal data would be the first thing that come to my mind.