PDF: gaslightingbook.pdf
(pdf of book above)
Using the Temboo API service, I decided to retrieve tweets which use the words gaslight, gaslights, gaslighting, gaslighter, gaslighted, etc. I wanted this to be a tool to unveil what the Twitter population’s thoughts on gaslighting were, and as an outcome to this experiment, I received both political commentary as well as personal history of those who claim that they have been gaslighted. I was expecting to see results relating to abusive or toxic relationships and psychological torment, but I was surprised to see tweets on Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump show up. These results made the content of the book extremely reflective of the time we are currently living in, and I thought that was something which made this collection of tweets special. Also, I was unaware of the fact that trans and queer communities might show opposition or hostility towards one another — something that I had learned after reading the retrieved tweets.
I wish I had played around more with imagery, but I was able to play around with the formatting of the font/color/size of the words (which was a bit frustrating — I first tried using Basil.js and InDesign, but because the tweets had many unusual characters, Basil.js freaked out. Due to time constraints, I simply used Processing to generate a PDF of my book.
// Set up text strings
String searchText, tweetText;
// Create a JSON object to store the search results
JSONObject searchResults;
void setup() {
output = createWriter("gaslightTweets56.txt");
// Set a search term and instructions
searchText = "https";
// Display initial tweet
runTweetsChoreo(); // Run the Tweets Choreo function
getTweetFromJSON(); // Parse the JSON response
void runTweetsChoreo() {
// Create the Choreo object using your Temboo session
Tweets tweetsChoreo = new Tweets(session);
// Set Profile
//tweetsChoreo.setCredential(Gaslighting Trackr);
// Set inputs
// Run the Choreo and store the results
TweetsResultSet tweetsResults = tweetsChoreo.run();
// Store results in a JSON object
searchResults = parseJSONObject(tweetsResults.getResponse());
void getTweetFromJSON() {
JSONArray statuses = searchResults.getJSONArray("statuses"); // Create a JSON array of the Twitter statuses in the object
//JSONObject tweet = statuses.getJSONObject(0); // Grab the first tweet and put it in a JSON object
for(int i=0; i
Layout code (Processing):
import processing.pdf.*;
void setup() {
int time= millis();
size(612,792, PDF, "gaslightingBook.pdf" );
//beginRecord(PDF, "gaslighting1.pdf");
//void draw(){
// The font "andalemo.ttf" must be located in the
// current sketch's "data" directory to load successfully
void draw(){
PGraphicsPDF pdf = (PGraphicsPDF) g;
PFont tweetFont = createFont("ChaparralPro-Bold",12);
PFont cuckFont = createFont("AR DARLING",23);
PFont timeFont = createFont("Castellar",23);
PFont subheadingFont = createFont("Bell MT Italic",12);
textFont(cuckFont);fill(0);textAlign(CENTER,CENTER);textSize(32);text("Gaslighting Trackr",width/2,height/2-80);
textFont(subheadingFont);fill(0);textAlign(CENTER,CENTER);textSize(28);text("\nand the American Psyche",width/2,height/2-70);
textFont(subheadingFont);fill(0);textAlign(CENTER,CENTER);textSize(12);text("\n\n\nCompiled by Teenygoop \n2016",width/2,height/2-70);
fill(255, 54, 28);textAlign(LEFT,LEFT);
text("\n RT @TicketmasterUK: .@springsteen tells @BBCRadio2 if he needed a stand-in \nhe'd pick @thebrianfallon.\nWe second that! >> https://t.co/InmAU…"+
"RT @TicketmasterUK: ICYMI: \n@thebrianfallon chats to us about his record and he \nupcoming UK tour >>\nhttps://t.co/AHVDCu3wKb" +
"\nRT @dhabitahzainal: @farahNAKATA hello! You can get it at Gaslight Cafe, \nBukit Damansara or anywhere that I'll be performing next 😀 "+
"\nwhere…\nShoutout to all the men in my life that have ever tried to gaslight me. \n@farahNAKATA hello! You can get it at Gaslight Cafe, Bukit Damansara or anywhere that \nI'll be performing next 😀 where are you staying?"
+"\nRT @TicketmasterUK: ICYMI: @thebrianfallon chats to us about his record and he \nupcoming UK tour >> https://t.co/AHVDCu3wKb"+
"\nCuándo alguien le explica a uno que es el Gaslight y uno se siente identificado...",30,30);
fill(0);textAlign(CENTER,CENTER);text("\nOnly a cuck wouldn’t know that the original film \nversion of Gaslight was directed by Thorold Dickinson",width/2,height/2-100);
fill(255, 54, 28);textAlign(RIGHT,RIGHT);
text("\nFind Gaslight of St.James @gaslightstjames on https://t.co/SaCcOcn59y"+
"\nRT @TicketmasterUK: .@springsteen tells @BBCRadio2 if \nhe needed a stand-in he'd pick @thebrianfallon. \nWe second that! >> https://t.co/InmAU…"+
"\nRT @TicketmasterUK: .@springsteen tells @BBCRadio2 if \nhe needed a stand-in he'd pick @thebrianfallon. \nWe second that! >> https://t.co/InmAU…"+
"\nRT @tuckersworld09: @JonRiley7 @LosinDonald \nI don't think I've seen anyone gaslight as patently and frequently as trump."+
"\nRT @TicketmasterUK: .@springsteen tells @BBCRadio2 if \nhe needed a stand-in he'd pick @thebrianfallon.\nWe second that! >> https://t.co/InmAU…"+
"\n#NowPlaying Handwritten by The Gaslight Anthem. \nListen https://t.co/3fPcyvproZ Stream https://t.co/d1gncMyqHI \n#ClassicRock #Rock #radio"+
"\nRT @TicketmasterUK: .@springsteen tells @BBCRadio2 if \nhe needed a stand-in he'd pick @thebrianfallon. \nWe second that! >> https://t.co/InmAU…",
textFont(timeFont);textSize(10);fill(0);textAlign(RIGHT,RIGHT);text("\n \n STOLEN:10/27/2016 01:46:23",width/2+270,height/2+300);
fill(255, 54, 28);textAlign(LEFT,LEFT);
text("\nIm not gonna post personal shit on here but I just think everyone should read this and be aware."+
"\n https://t.co/aviRqlsTHp"+
"\nRT @goldengateblond: There is literally no other way to interpret it, you gaslighting freak. \nhttps://t.co/hnKL80baaj"+
"\nRT @Piquerish: @nia4_trump @jamesbott007 Do NOT believe the LYING, GASLIGHTING, \nmanipulating PRESS! EVER! \nGO AND VOTE!!! https://t.co/tpn9n…"+
"\nRT @shannonrwatts: I'll publicly announce who I'm voting for and denounce his opposition, \nbut under no circumstances will I endorse him! #g…"+
"\nRT @goldengateblond: There is literally no other way to interpret it, you gaslighting freak. \nhttps://t.co/hnKL80baaj"+
"\nRT @Elixicana: Y'all seeing that pattern here? Writing people off as sensitive as a way to \ntry to make them seem weak, pretty much gaslight…"+
"\nRT @shannonrwatts: I'll publicly announce who I'm voting for and denounce his opposition, \nbut under no circumstances will I endorse him! #g…"+
"@NationalismRise that woman is groace. \nIt has to be a massive gaslighting operation on white males.\n@FrankConniff @jasoninthehouse @realDonaldTrump ",30,30);
fill(0);textAlign(CENTER,CENTER);text("\nHow in the actual fuck is voting for someone \nNOT an endorsement?? GOP Gaslighting 101",width/2,height/2-80);
fill(255, 54, 28);textAlign(RIGHT,RIGHT);
text("\nRT @shannonrwatts: I'll publicly announce who I'm voting for and denounce his opposition, \nbut under no circumstances will I endorse him! #g…"+
"\nRT @goldengateblond: There is literally no other way to interpret it, \nyou gaslighting freak. https://t.co/hnKL80baaj"+
"\nRT @shannonrwatts: I'll publicly announce who I'm voting for and denounce his opposition, \nbut under no circumstances will I endorse him! #g…"+
"\n@karaschlegl I mean, he was good looking and all but \nhe's probably been gaslighting you the whole time?"+
"\nRT @shannonrwatts: I'll publicly announce who I'm voting for and denounce his opposition, \nbut under no circumstances will I endorse him! #g…"+
"\nRT @shannonrwatts: I'll publicly announce who I'm voting for and denounce his opposition, \nbut under no circumstances will I endorse him! #g…"
textFont(timeFont);textSize(10);fill(0);textAlign(RIGHT,RIGHT);text("\n \n STOLEN:10/27/2016 01:53:52",width/2+270,height/2+300);
fill(255, 54, 28);textAlign(LEFT,LEFT);
text("\nRT @goldengateblond: There is literally no other way to interpret it, \nyou gaslighting freak. https://t.co/hnKL80baaj"+
"\nRT @goldengateblond: There is literally no other way to interpret it, \nyou gaslighting freak. https://t.co/hnKL80baaj"+
"\nRT @goldengateblond: There is literally no other way to interpret it, \nyou gaslighting freak. https://t.co/hnKL80baaj"+
"\nGaslighting too fucking overpowered."+
"\nIm not gonna post personal shit on here but I just think everyone should read this and be aware."+
"\nRT @goldengateblond: There is literally no other way to interpret it,"+" \nyou gaslighting freak. https://t.co/hnKL80baaj"+
"\nRT @Piquerish: @nia4_trump @jamesbott007 Do NOT believe the LYING," +"\nGASLIGHTING, manipulating PRESS! EVER! GO AND VOTE!!! https://t.co/tpn9n…"+
"\nRT @shannonrwatts: I'll publicly announce who I'm voting for"+ "\nand denounce his opposition, but \nunder no circumstances will I endorse him! #g…"+
"\nRT @goldengateblond: There is literally no other way to interpret it,"+ "\nyou gaslighting freak. https://t.co/hnKL80baaj"+
"\nRT @Elixicana: Y'all seeing that pattern here?",20,20);
fill(0);textAlign(CENTER,CENTER);text("\nWriting people off as sensitive as a way to try to \nmake them seem weak, pretty much gaslight…",width/2,height/2-60);
fill(255, 54, 28);textAlign(RIGHT,RIGHT);
text("\nRT @shannonrwatts: I'll publicly announce who I'm voting for and denounce his opposition,"+ "\nbut under no circumstances will I endorse him! #g…"+
"\n@NationalismRise that woman is groace. It has to be"+ "\na massive gaslighting operation on white males."+
"\n@FrankConniff @jasoninthehouse @realDonaldTrump How in the actual fuck"+ "\nis voting for someone NOT an endorsement?? GOP Gaslighting 101"+
"\nRT @shannonrwatts: I'll publicly announce who I'm voting for and"+ "\ndenounce his opposition, but under no circumstances will I endorse him! #g…"+
"\nRT @goldengateblond: There is literally no other way to interpret it, \nyou gaslighting freak. https://t.co/hnKL80baaj",width/2+270,height/2+20);
textFont(timeFont);textSize(10);fill(0);textAlign(RIGHT,RIGHT);text("\n\nSTOLEN:10/27/2016 01:56:48",width/2+270,height/2+300);
fill(255, 54, 28);textAlign(LEFT,LEFT);
text("\nRT @caitoz: Hillary trying to back claim Japan for America. \nLike a retrospective Columbus."+ "\nThis woman is a gaslighter extraordinaire. https…"+
"\nRT @LannisterLover: Wow. Never realized what a vicious, vindictice, manipulative,"+ "\ngaslighter @HeatherDubrow is until the Ireland vaca #rho…"+
"\nRT @LannisterLover: Wow. Never realized what a vicious, vindictice, manipulative,\ngaslighter @HeatherDubrow is until the Ireland vaca #rho…"+
"\nRT @LannisterLover: Wow. Never realized what a vicious, vindictice, manipulative, \ngaslighter @HeatherDubrow is until the Ireland vaca #rho…"+
"\nWow. Never realized what a vicious, vindictice, manipulative, gaslighter"+ "\n@HeatherDubrow is until the Ireland vaca #rhoc #rhoc11 #psycho"+
"\n@realtvwchr @Leosxpstl36 @HeatherDubrow she is a gaslighter shes always been a spiteful person \nbut no1 b4 Kelly wld go up against her"+
"@AllAboutTheTea_ #HeatherDubrow is a \ntypical #bully #gaslighter #itsabouttime some1 stood up 2 her \nI am with #KellyDodd on this 1 #alltheway",30,30);
fill(0);textAlign(CENTER,CENTER);text("\n@JeraunHudson @TalibKweli \ninhumanity against man has gone on way longer. \nTry again gaslighter.",width/2,height/2-100);
fill(255, 54, 28);textAlign(RIGHT,RIGHT);
text("må være helt alene i din egen leilighet med abuseren din og"+ "han gaslighter deg sykt : ) artig"+
"\n@Oasis00000 #gaslighter"+
"\nIntroducing our new gaslighter in chief."+
"\nRT @DABridge22: Listening to Kellyanne Conway and seriously"+ "\nwondering what she is taking. #logicfail @cnn"+ "\nShe's a gaslighter extraordinaire…"+
"\nRT @DABridge22: Listening to Kellyanne Conway and seriously wondering what she is taking."+ "\n#logicfail @cnn She's a gaslighter extraordinaire…"+
"\nListening to Kellyanne Conway and seriously wondering what she is taking."+ "\n#logicfail @cnn She's a gaslighter extraordinaire, \nlike her boss."+
"\n@Ciocia oy gaslighter, you better ask yourself that question... \ncause the retardmeter is off the charts with you",width/2+270,height/2);
textFont(timeFont);textSize(10);fill(0);textAlign(RIGHT,RIGHT);text("\n\nSTOLEN:10/27/2016 02:04:07",width/2+270,height/2+300);
fill(255, 54, 28);textAlign(LEFT,LEFT);
text("\nRT @333333333433333: trying to communicate openly & \nhonestly after years of being gaslit and \nmisunderstood by nearly every romantic prospec…"+
"\nRT @mtracey: The way the HRC campaign and its media allies have"+ "\"gaslit\"" +"\nthe public re: @wikileaks is despicable and will have long-lasting…"+
"\nive been gaslit and emotionally manipulated my whole life and"+ "\nseeing those things explicitly depicted but widely dismissed is terrifying lol"+
"\nRT @revasteenbergen: The early stages of being gaslit by a #narcissist"+ "\nhttps://t.co/x6H44Osm9M"+
"\nRT @s_green: I just googled"+"\"what percentage of people who think they \nare getting gaslit are actually getting gaslit?\""+
"\n1) You're not gaslit, you're gaslighted."+
"\n2) You're not gaslighted, you just met a pregnant pro-choicer, is all."+
"\nI just googled"+ "\n\"what percentage of people who think they are getting gaslit are actually getting gaslit?\"",30,30);
fill(0);textAlign(CENTER,CENTER);text("\nRT @carolJhedges: '\'Enter the dangerous \ntwisting alleyways and gaslit \nthoroughfares of 1860s London\''"+
fill(255, 54, 28);textAlign(RIGHT,RIGHT);
text("\n@sonnysgal4life I hope it's more Ashley/Sharon but w/ the whole"+ "\"I adopted lie\"" +"\n& not the whole"+ "\"gaslit to think I was pregnant\""+" 🙈😂"+
"\n@in_a_partydress @annasproul I had gaslit myself into thinking you had always been blonde!"+
"\nthis confirms the memories I thought were lies!"+
"\n@DocBrown_TV @CW_Arrow I'll spare him the 🔥, "+"\nbut he seems device-y. It's the EPs' 180 re: Olicity "+"\nthat has me feeling gaslighted (gaslit?)."+
"\n@vedia_lupae I've occasionally said"+ "\" I feel like I'm being gaslit\""+" \nwhen it was really just a disagreement I was panicking about."+
"\npersonal for a sec: I've been living in a mentally"+"\n/emotionally taxing and abusive AND gaslit situation"+" for over a year. I'm getting out but"+
"\n@TASK1ne He just gaslit a fellow creator at the"+ "\nHouse of Ideas who has been horrifically harassed."+ "\nHe has been trash since 2004."+
"\nRT @revasteenbergen: The early stages of being gaslit"+ "\nby a #narcissist https://t.co/x6H44Osm9M",width/2+270,height/2);
textFont(timeFont);textSize(10);fill(0);textAlign(RIGHT,RIGHT);text("\n\nSTOLEN:10/27/2016 02:06:19",width/2+270,height/2+300);
fill(255, 54, 28);textAlign(LEFT,LEFT);
text("\nRT @stilllearning2b: 10 Reasons Being Gaslighted Is the Worst #narcissist https://t.co/Ki6ziUJgKF"+
"\nNoticing a trend, while canvassing out of state:"+
"\nWomen being gaslighted by husbands or boyfriends"+
"\nor bros, or fathers. #ItsAFromOfBulllying!"+
"\nOne thing I know for absolute certain:"+ "\nif you lie to spare my feelings, you have now hurt my feelings,"+ "\nlost my respect, AND gaslighted me."+
"\nRT @ApologyProject: Tracy was gaslighted"+ "\ninto believing she couldn't be a #dv victim"+ "due to her strength & \nmartial arts training https://t.…"+
"\n@amaditalks so you still were gaslighted by duolingo chat bot?"+
"\nRT @sunslammerdown: getaway makes no secret that he's abused,"+ "\ngaslighted, and manipulated tailgate; \ndenying it is literally just denying th…"+
"\nRT @sunslammerdown: getaway makes no secret that he's abused,"+ "\ngaslighted, and manipulated tailgate; \ndenying it is literally just denying th…",30,30);
fill(0);textAlign(CENTER,CENTER);text("\n\ngetaway makes no secret that he's abused, gaslighted, \nand manipulated tailgate; \ndenying it is literally just denying the uncontested truth."
fill(255, 54, 28);textAlign(RIGHT,RIGHT);
text("\n@netw3rk as someone who felt gaslighted by our use of \nrashad vaughn last season i really need this"+
"\nTime to be gaslighted by the \nDuolingo chatbot… #GirdYourLoins"+
"\nRT @jazzhandmcfeels: Shitlibs are so thoroughly gaslighted \nthey're now just inventing conspiracy theories. \nWe troll farm now! https://t.co/…"+
"\nRT @jazzhandmcfeels: Shitlibs are so thoroughly gaslighted \nthey're now just inventing conspiracy theories. \nWe troll farm now! https://t.co/…"+
"\n1) You're not gaslit, you're gaslighted."+
"\n2) You're not gaslighted, you just met a pregnant pro-choicer, is all."+
"\n@COM1CBOOK @Big5Army I think I'm \nbeing gaslighted."+
"RT @iCALLhelpline: Most people who are gaslighted \nusually aren't aware that this is happening to them. \nThe challenge is recognize it and st…"
textFont(timeFont);textSize(10);fill(0);textAlign(RIGHT,RIGHT);text("\n\nSTOLEN:10/27/2016 02:16:54",width/2+270,height/2+300);
fill(255, 54, 28);textAlign(LEFT,LEFT);
text("\nGaslighters use emotional & \npsychological intimidation on us for selfish gain. \nHere's how to DEAL W/ THOSE BULLIES: https://t.co/gv11iUymcP"+
"\n@JRubinBlogger @KatiePavlich @henryolsenEPPC I can't wait till \nall you media gaslighters are no longer in media. \nYour Misandry is abhorrent."+
"\n@mitchellvii @DanaRuxi123 Good to hear a positive message \n- tired of hearing about the rigging, \nwonder if they're gaslighters!!!"+
"\n@GrundislavGames The gaslighters? \nThe Candle Wicks? The Torch Burners?"+
"\nRT @LC_Sun: When you've been raised by gaslighters it is almost impossible \nto deal effectively - that is, realistically - with gaslighters…"+
"\n...gaslighters... https://t.co/308XntAYff"+
"\nRT @High_n_Right: .@GOP blasts O-Care after premium hike ann.. https://t.co/78cnGeScMl \nPro Gaslighters @NancyPelosi @BarackObama the typic…"+
"\n.@GOP blasts O-Care after premium hike ann.. https://t.co/78cnGeScMl Pro Gaslighters \n@NancyPelosi @BarackObama the typical Lib incompetents",30,30);
fill(0);textAlign(CENTER,CENTER);text("\n\n\n\n\nLGB people are master gaslighters of trans people. \nWe flight for and alongside them, they drop us, \nthen they ask why we never help them."
fill(255, 54, 28);textAlign(RIGHT,RIGHT);
text("\n\n\nWhen you've been raised by gaslighters it is almost impossible to deal effectively \n- that is, realistically - with gaslighters you encounter"+
"\n@MsBlaireWhite @BeyondPhere Wait, gaslighters? Really? XD"+
"\n@oceandreams007 @PJLM @wikileaks @realDonaldTrump Sure."+ "\nNever engage beyond tagging and bagging. \nThey get paid per engagement. #Gaslighters"+
"\n@BwsCurtis @FloridaJeeper16 @THEJeepMafia \nMost are paid trolls with a script in front of them anyway. \nNot worth our time. Gaslighters."+
"\n@seanmdav MSNBC, CNN,ABC,CBS, NBC, NTY, WaPo, Wall St J, \nUSAToday, all are master gaslighters. \nBut they are pissing off Americans big time."+
"\nRT @nickbiscardi: MT @Amaris_Acosta: Rape culture not held up by rapists; \nheld up by"+ "\"devils advocates\""+", gaslighters,"+ "\"sincere questions\""+",…"
textFont(timeFont);textSize(10);fill(0);textAlign(RIGHT,RIGHT);text("\n\nSTOLEN:10/27/2016 02:20:02",width/2+270,height/2+300);
fill(0);textAlign(CENTER,CENTER);text("\n@smolgerbil it's one of the \ngreatest gaslightings of all time"+
"\n\nSTOLEN:10/27/2016 02:24:48"
fill(255, 54, 28);textAlign(LEFT,LEFT);
text("\n@CIBSEHeritage @CIBSE @SLL100 Still a few places \nleft on this walking tour https://t.co/ibPrPniHqS"+
"\n@KerrangRadio #NowPlaying #ListeningTo The Gaslight Anthem -"+ "\''45\""+
"\nGenuine question: can people gaslight you accidentally because \nneither of you understand who is the stupid one?"+
"\n@mushyyyy ugh worst. The headphone jack doesn't work on my \ndock so I just blasted everyone with gaslight anthem"+
"\nRT @TicketmasterUK: .@springsteen tells @BBCRadio2 \nif he needed a stand-in he'd pick @thebrianfallon. \nWe second that! >> https://t.co/InmAU…"+
"\nRT @TicketmasterUK: ICYMI: @thebrianfallon \nchats to us about his record and he upcoming UK tour \n>> https://t.co/AHVDCu3wKb"+
"\nRT @dhabitahzainal: @farahNAKATA hello! \nYou can get it at Gaslight Cafe, Bukit Damansara or anywhere that I'll be performing next 😀 where…",30,30);
fill(0);textAlign(CENTER,CENTER);text("\nRT @MegoLand: Don't ever let someone gaslight you, \nno matter the degree of mental illness \nin which you do, or do not, suffer."
fill(255, 54, 28);textAlign(RIGHT,RIGHT);
text("\nShoutout to all the men in my life that have ever tried to gaslight me."+
"\n@farahNAKATA hello! You can get it at Gaslight Cafe, \nBukit Damansara or anywhere that \nI'll be performing next 😀 where are you staying?"+
"\nRT @TicketmasterUK: ICYMI: @thebrianfallon chats to us about his record \nand he upcoming UK tour >> https://t.co/AHVDCu3wKb"+
"\nCuándo alguien le explica a uno que es el Gaslight y uno se siente identificado..."+
"\nOnly a cuck wouldn’t know that the original film version \nof Gaslight was directed by Thorold Dickinson"+
"\nFind Gaslight of St.James @gaslightstjames on https://t.co/SaCcOcn59y"+
"\nRT @TicketmasterUK: .@springsteen tells @BBCRadio2 \nif he needed a stand-in he'd pick @thebrianfallon. \nWe second that! >> https://t.co/InmAU…"
textFont(timeFont);textSize(10);fill(0);textAlign(RIGHT,RIGHT);text("\n\nSTOLEN:10/27/2016 02:26:09",width-50,height/2+300);
fill(0);textAlign(CENTER,CENTER);text("\n@darksuji With the implication that the new, \ninternalized narrative puts \nthe gaslightee under the power \nor influence of the gaslighter."+
"\n\nSTOLEN:10/27/2016 02:28:17"
fill(255, 54, 28);textAlign(LEFT,LEFT);
"\nWas the entire #oregonstandoff jury gaslighted by A bundy's 3 days of testimony?"+
"\n@Lawrence right because @newtgingrich emotionally abused & \ngaslighted his wife into not caring. \nA REAL man wouldnt even suggest such a thing"+
"\nWhen a person who gaslighted you and spread malicious lies about you starts talking about peace online 👀"+
"\nhttps://t.co/oEJquGTvEO v"+
"\n@KeithOlbermann @GQMagazine Keith, one wonders about women voting for Trump."+ "\nAs in, are they being coerced somehow? Gaslighted? Conditioned?"+
"\nRT @sexy_orphan: I've been gaslighted my whole life"+
"\n@osutein I never talk about it because Apple has \ngaslighted me into thinking I am the screw up here"+
"\nThe @GOP gaslighted this country and its POTUS for 8 years."+
"\nNever, ever listen to these assholes ever again!!… https://t.co/1GIiGZaQ2o"+
"\nI've been gaslighted my whole life",30,30);
fill(0);textAlign(CENTER,CENTER);text("\n\nRT @prosumer_report: Interesting piece: \nAre #millennials being gaslighted? \nhttps://t.co/vwAlGt06GW via \n@bornagainmin https://t.co/iTFOjUUugl"
fill(255, 54, 28);textAlign(RIGHT,RIGHT);
text("\n\n\n@CAtoDC So where does agency/accountability start and stop \nwhen you've been gaslighted for 20 years?"+
"\nRT @jifoulger: @spoonseeker Are we gaslighted as a \ncommunity https://t.co/dSuVfzayHX"+
"\nInteresting piece: Are #millennials being gaslighted? \nhttps://t.co/vwAlGt06GW via @bornagainmin https://t.co/iTFOjUUugl"+
"\n@Girl1928 [Nods] Yep. I too have been gaslighted."+
"\nRT @dtissagirl: I'm pretty sure the \n@ArrowWriters are gaslighting Felicity. Also gaslighted: me;.",width/2+270,height/2);
textFont(timeFont);textSize(10);fill(0);textAlign(RIGHT,RIGHT);text("\n\nSTOLEN:10/27/2016 20:26:44",width/2+270,height/2+300);
fill(255, 54, 28);textAlign(LEFT,LEFT);
"\n-Every gaslighter on the internet…"+
"\n-Every gaslighter on the internet @Haram_misfit"+
"\nRT @lepas: @Blackmudpuppy lmfao. \nHe's a classic gaslighter. No wonder his wife left him."+
"\nWhy does no one tell Binky that JP is a gaslighter?"+
"\nRT @caitoz: Hillary trying to back claim Japan for America. \nLike a retrospective Columbus. \nThis woman is a gaslighter extraordinaire. https…"+
"\nRT @LannisterLover: Wow. Never realized what a vicious, vindictice, \nmanipulative, gaslighter @HeatherDubrow is until \nthe Ireland vaca #rho…",30,30);
fill(0);textAlign(CENTER,CENTER);text("Wow. Never realized what a vicious, vindictice, \nmanipulative, gaslighter \n@HeatherDubrow is until the \nIreland vaca #rhoc #rhoc11 #psycho"
fill(255, 54, 28);textAlign(RIGHT,RIGHT);
text("\n@realtvwchr @Leosxpstl36 @HeatherDubrow she is a gaslighter \nshes always been a spiteful person but \nno1 b4 Kelly wld go up against her"+
"\n@AllAboutTheTea_ #HeatherDubrow is a typical #bully #gaslighter \n#itsabouttime some1 stood up 2 her \nI am with #KellyDodd on this 1 #alltheway"+
"\n@JeraunHudson @TalibKweli inhumanity against \nman has gone on way longer. Try again gaslighter."+
"\nnår du må være helt alene i din egen leilighet \nmed abuseren din og han gaslighter deg sykt : ) artig"+
"\n@Oasis00000 #gaslighter"+
"\nRT @calypsoh13: @milesjreed"+
"\nIntroducing our new gaslighter in chief.",width/2+270,height/2);
textFont(timeFont);textSize(10);fill(0);textAlign(RIGHT,RIGHT);text("\n\nSTOLEN:10/27/2016 20:32:36",width/2+270,height/2+300);
fill(255, 54, 28);textAlign(LEFT,LEFT);
text("\nRT @LadyPutz: Breaking: Oregon Jury Gaslights Entire Nation https://t.co/RwI1CtDxDY"+
"\nBreaking: Oregon Jury Gaslights Entire Nation https://t.co/RwI1CtDxDY"+
"\nGaslights & Stringlights https://t.co/Ne1ClpoHpI https://t.co/iUJWbooDDV"+
"\n@SamcFoster I really hate how in the end of the video she \ngaslights the dog 😒 NOT cool.... https://t.co/OliFRGCOTl"+
"\nRT @aliciafiasco_: It's such a damaging message to send \nthat affirms abusers and gaslights their victims further. \nIt has to stop. Abuse is…"+
"\nRT @aliciafiasco_: It's such a damaging message to send \nthat affirms abusers and gaslights their victims further. \nIt has to stop. Abuse is…"+
"\nIt's such a damaging message to send that affirms abusers and \ngaslights their victims further. It has to stop. \nAbuse is not tender/romantic.",30,30);
fill(0);textAlign(CENTER,CENTER);text("\nAbuser Gaslights victims. In other news, \nAbuser tells everyone \nto concentrate on more important matters. \nhttps://t.co/SBlPkmaU8F"
fill(255, 54, 28);textAlign(RIGHT,RIGHT);
text("\nRT @fangirlsmash: Bendis has never been a true ally ever since he came to prominence. \nHe regularly gaslights and blocks anyone who decries…"+
"\nRT @gabriel_gmaraes: @jryangolden @Coreybez1 @NormOrnstein @jboxt1 \nHe gaslights press by accusing HRC of whatever \nhe just did. I was certai…"+
"\n@jryangolden @Coreybez1 @NormOrnstein @jboxt1 \nHe gaslights press by accusing HRC of whatever he just did. \nI was certain at Rep convention"+
"\nRT @fangirlsmash: Bendis has never been a true ally ever \nsince he came to prominence. He regularly gaslights \nand blocks anyone who decries…"+
"\nRT @altmodes: ppl already dismiss the fact that swerve gaslights, \nabuses, and/or enslaves red alert and ten, \nwe don't have to Hypotheticall…"+
"\nRT @altmodes: ppl already dismiss the fact that swerve gaslights, \nabuses, and/or enslaves red alert and ten, \nwe don't have to Hypotheticall…"+
"\nppl already dismiss the fact that swerve gaslights, \nabuses, and/or enslaves red alert and ten, \nwe don't have to Hypothetically Imagine this"
textFont(timeFont);textSize(10);fill(0);textAlign(RIGHT,RIGHT);text("\n\nSTOLEN:10/27/2016 20:55:04",width/2+270,height/2+300);
fill(255, 54, 28);textAlign(LEFT,LEFT);
text("\nRT @FemalesLikeUs: Both #NarcissiticManipulation & \n#Transactivism use the abuse tactic of gaslighting \nto blame their emotional instability…"+
"\nRT @goldengateblond: There is literally no other way to interpret it, \nyou gaslighting freak. https://t.co/hnKL80baaj"+
"\nRT @d_seaman: Gaslighting, a"+ "\“functionally evil\""+ "candidate, and the fight for truth powered by \n@wikileaks — today’s video: https://t.co/Cpq…"+
"\nRT @d_seaman: Gaslighting, a"+ "\“functionally evil\"" +"candidate, \nand the fight for truth powered by \n@wikileaks — today’s video: https://t.co/Cpq…"+
"\nRT @d_seaman: Gaslighting, a"+ "\“functionally evil\"" +"candidate, and the fight for truth powered by \n@wikileaks — today’s video: https://t.co/Cpq…"+
"\nRT @goldengateblond: There is literally no other way to interpret it, you \ngaslighting freak. https://t.co/hnKL80baaj",30,30);
fill(0);textAlign(CENTER,CENTER);text("\n\nRT @FemalesLikeUs: Suicide threats = Psychological Warfare \non an Individual Level."+
"\nTA's Suicide Gaslighting of Women = Psychological Warfar…"
fill(255, 54, 28);textAlign(RIGHT,RIGHT);
text("\nRT @goldengateblond: There is literally no other way to interpret it, \nyou gaslighting freak. https://t.co/hnKL80baaj"+
"\nRT @SSWomen_: Have you heard of gaslighting? #MaybeHeDoesntHitYou \nbut it's a red flag for a manipulative form of \nemotional abuse. https://t…"+
"\nGaslighting, a “functionally evil” candidate, and the fight for truth \npowered by @wikileaks — today’s video: https://t.co/Cpqu9RuARp"+
"\nRT @aroueno: Look at them gaslighting Karthik... \nI want to grab their throats. #theapprentice"+
"\nRT @cavaticat: @MadbanditRoy @kellyhoover27 \nDon't come into this thread with your weak-ass \n#notallmen gaslighting. We don't owe you a damn…"+
"\nRT @AlisonSpalding2: The DNC needs to be punished for being so ABUSIVE to the \nBernie & Trump people & for GASLIGHTING us."+
"\nShow them they d…"+
"\nJeebus. Gaslighting in court:"+
"\nUs: Federal facility."+
"\nJury: Who says?"+
"\nUs: Firearms."+
"\nJury: What firearms? https://t.co/UEPgRpBQOy",width/2+270,height/2);
textFont(timeFont);textSize(10);fill(0);textAlign(RIGHT,RIGHT);text("\n\nSTOLEN:10/27/2016 21:08:21",width/2+270,height/2+300);
fill(255, 54, 28);textAlign(LEFT,LEFT);
text("\n@RamonMurkader and then the left gaslit everyone into thinking the Contras were bad"+
"\nI've seen vines with millions of loops \nso putrid and devoid of humor that \nit made me feel like I was being gaslit."+
"\n@JuddLegum we'd get gaslit & \ntold they deserved it, ppl would wear t-shirts \n& make effigies. It would be...horrible."+
"\nRT @CodeWitchJen: I mean as kids we were \nconstantly gaslit into believing that \nwe couldn't trust out own gender feels. So it makes sense."+
"\nRT @CodeWitchJen: I mean as kids we were \nconstantly gaslit into believing that \nwe couldn't trust out own gender feels. So it makes sense."+
"\nRT @CodeWitchJen: I mean as kids we were \nconstantly gaslit into believing that \nwe couldn't trust out own gender feels. So it makes sense."+
"\nWe can all agree that Jim Halpert was \na monster person who routinely gaslit \nneuroatypical people, right?"+
"RT @CodeWitchJen: I mean as kids we were \nconstantly gaslit into believing that \nwe couldn't trust out own gender feels. So it makes sense.",30,30);
fill(0);textAlign(CENTER,CENTER);text("\n\n\n\n\nThe Girl Who Was Gaslit Into Killing Herself #TheGirlWho"
fill(255, 54, 28);textAlign(RIGHT,RIGHT);
text("\nI mean as kids we were constantly gaslit into believing that \nwe couldn't trust out own gender feels. \nSo it makes sense."+
"\n@carmenmmachado I feel gaslit by \nwhat a terrible writer Ryan Murphy is, \nlike why are we acting like everything is ok"+
"\nI’m here for a time when Millennials, \na generation gaslit into thinking its troubles are \n100% self-derived, reject that narrative."+
"\nRT @TenementHouse11: Introducing the history of \n#spiritualism in our gaslit \n#parlour 🔮#spiritsofthetenements h\nttps://t.co/bBm3MRewz4"+
"\nRT @TenementHouse11: Introducing the history of \n#spiritualism in our gaslit \n#parlour 🔮#spiritsofthetenements h\nttps://t.co/bBm3MRewz4"+
"\nIntroducing the history of \n#spiritualism in our gaslit #parlour \n🔮#spiritsofthetenements https://t.co/bBm3MRewz4",width/2+270,height/2);
textFont(timeFont);textSize(10);fill(0);textAlign(RIGHT,RIGHT);text("\n\nSTOLEN:10/27/2016 21:10:12",width/2+270,height/2+300);
fill(255, 54, 28);textAlign(LEFT,LEFT);
text("\nBook your spot in classes at Gaslight Creations in the \nClifton Gaslight Business District. \nhttps://t.co/zBjmlTYU7L"+
"\nCould there ever be a current movie \nwhose title defines a sinister \nbehavior as perfectly as #Gaslight?"+
"\nRT @FemalesLikeUs: Yes TransActivists use \nnarcissistic psychological abuse to \nGASLIGHT the entire FEMALE \npopulation into submission. https:…"+
"\nMe: will gaslight myself into thinking \nI'm not sick and then swallow/cough/etc"+
"\nWe're kick starting #Halloween with some picks of \nour favourite #spooky films! our choice for today: \n#Gaslight 1940 https://t.co/auZUn6khwL",30,30);
fill(0);textAlign(CENTER,CENTER);text("\nWomen experience it daily from males. \nMale-trans use Narcissistic Abuse Tactics to \ngaslight Women into complying w/… \nhttps://t.co/vEnJzSdtQH"
fill(255, 54, 28);textAlign(RIGHT,RIGHT);
text("\n@NeverMoreBUSH Thy can't gaslight her. @JoyAnnReid \n@supraTruth @GomezReporting @Trippn21"+
"\nRT @gaslightstjames: #Taxi #Taxicabs \n#Cabbies £30 commission per full \npaying customer at Gaslight of St James"+
"\nGaslight Theatre presents \nBad Seed at Gaslight Theatre \nstarts in 15 minutes!"+
"\n@Eliot_Collie and yet, \nplenty of white americans will \ngaslight the fuck out of these native people."+
"\n45 by Gaslight Anthem"+
"\nYou're with fam. \nLots of people are Voting Jill Stein!"+
"\nDon't let Blackout Gaslight you! \nLook at their empty Rallie… https://t.co/2jl4iR1XZA"+
"\nWe are so honored to be recognized in the"+ "\"Best of Tucson 2016\"" +"\nfor the below categories! #supportlocalbusiness... \nhttps://t.co/XBSyPMifUi"
textFont(timeFont);textSize(10);fill(0);textAlign(RIGHT,RIGHT);text("\n\nSTOLEN:10/27/2016 21:13:24",width/2+270,height/2+300);
fill(255, 54, 28);textAlign(LEFT,LEFT);
text("\nJP is such a slimy thug with UNBEELIEVABLE privilege issues and \na tendency to gaslight. \nWhy the FUCK is he still on the show??? #MiC"+
"\nYou're not a real college student until u have no clean clothes, \nur gaslight is on, you have -$5, & \nare living on expired lunch meat & wine"+
"\n@redshira I'm so, so sorry. \nI was in this spot the last two years after \nbeing gaslight and denied in 2014. \nYou deserve so much better.",30,30);
fill(0);textAlign(CENTER,CENTER);text("@LauriebrettX @garyaknichols \neveryone at #gaslight is in awe of \nhow much you have raised \n#welldone #GoSoberUK #Macmillan #cancerresearch"
fill(255, 54, 28);textAlign(RIGHT,RIGHT);
text("\nRT @CandlelightRed: Hey! We've got some new shows booked! Ya comin'???"+
"\nWednesday, November 23 - The Gaslight in Wellsboro, PA... https://…"+
"\nHey! We've got some new shows booked! Ya comin'??? "+
"\nWednesday, November 23 - The Gaslight in Wellsboro, PA... https://t.co/agtqyrLQRt"+
"\nRT @Tampa_Live: RT @CityofTampa Don't forget! \nThe Mayor's Food Truck Fiesta returns \nTOMORROW from 11am-2pm in Lykes Gaslight... https://t.c…"+
"\nMeanwhile, our own govt is attempting \nto gaslight the American people into \nbelieving this is something other than terrorism."+
"\nRT @bebebebender: The media gaslight is a hell of a thing. @d_seaman"+
"\nRT @bebebebender: The media gaslight is a hell of a thing. @d_seaman"+
"\nThe Gaslight Anthem - The '59 Sound (Acoustic) \nhttps://t.co/hkFrFYLn20 via @YouTube",width/2+270,height/2);
textFont(timeFont);textSize(10);fill(0);textAlign(RIGHT,RIGHT);text("\n\nSTOLEN:11/01/2016 16:57:30",width/2+270,height/2+300);
fill(0);textAlign(CENTER,CENTER);text("\n@VanPlague i can only dream of the gaslightings \nthat must have taken place... the email leaks... ahh the times"+
"\n@euorleans gaslightings à parte, o seu dia está muito louco"+
"\n\nSTOLEN:11/01/2016 16:59:29"
fill(255, 54, 28);textAlign(LEFT,RIGHT);
text("\nRT @d_seaman: Fucking gaslighter. Your husband raped multiple women \nwhile in a position of power over them."+
"\nEnjoy prison. You’ve shown us…"+
"\nRT @d_seaman: Fucking gaslighter. Your husband raped multiple women \nwhile in a position of power over them."+
"\nEnjoy prison. You’ve shown us…"+
"\nRT @d_seaman: Fucking gaslighter. Your husband raped multiple women \nwhile in a position of power over them."+
"\nEnjoy prison. You’ve shown us…"+
"\nRT @d_seaman: Fucking gaslighter. Your husband raped multiple women \nwhile in a position of power over them."+
"\nEnjoy prison. You’ve shown us…"+
"\nRT @d_seaman: Fucking gaslighter. Your husband raped multiple women \nwhile in a position of power over them."+
"\nEnjoy prison. You’ve shown us…"+
"\nRT @d_seaman: Fucking gaslighter. Your husband raped multiple women \nwhile in a position of power over them."+
"\nEnjoy prison. You’ve shown us…"+
"\nRT @d_seaman: Fucking gaslighter. Your husband raped multiple women \nwhile in a position of power over them."+
"\nEnjoy prison. You’ve shown us…"+
"\nRT @d_seaman: Fucking gaslighter. Your husband raped multiple women \nwhile in a position of power over them."+
"\nEnjoy prison. You’ve shown us…"+
"\nRT @d_seaman: Fucking gaslighter. Your husband raped multiple women \nwhile in a position of power over them."+
"\nEnjoy prison. You’ve shown us…"+
"\nRT @d_seaman: Fucking gaslighter. Your husband raped multiple women \nwhile in a position of power over them."+
"\nEnjoy prison. You’ve shown us…"+
"\nRT @d_seaman: Fucking gaslighter. Your husband raped multiple women \nwhile in a position of power over them."+
"\nEnjoy prison. You’ve shown us…"+
"\nRT @d_seaman: Fucking gaslighter. Your husband raped multiple women \nwhile in a position of power over them."+
"\nEnjoy prison. You’ve shown us…"+
"\nRT @d_seaman: Fucking gaslighter. Your husband raped multiple women \nwhile in a position of power over them."+
"\nEnjoy prison. You’ve shown us…"+
"\nRT @d_seaman: Fucking gaslighter. Your husband raped multiple women \nwhile in a position of power over them."+
"\nEnjoy prison. You’ve shown us…"+
"\nRT @d_seaman: Fucking gaslighter. Your husband raped multiple women \nwhile in a position of power over them."+
"\nEnjoy prison. You’ve shown us…",30,30);
textFont(timeFont);textSize(10);fill(0);textAlign(RIGHT,RIGHT);text("\n\nSTOLEN:11/01/2016 16:59:42",width/2+270,height/2+300);
fill(255, 54, 28);textAlign(LEFT,LEFT);
text("\nRT @zackfox: when you see a bright future then realize \nthe brightness is from all your bridge burning, \ngaslighting, and fighting fire with…"+
"\nRT @zackfox: when you see a bright future then realize \nthe brightness is from all your bridge burning, \ngaslighting, and fighting fire with…"+
"\nRT @zackfox: when you see a bright future then realize \nthe brightness is from all your bridge burning, \ngaslighting, and fighting fire with…"+
"\nRT @zackfox: when you see a bright future then realize \nthe brightness is from all your bridge burning, \ngaslighting, and fighting fire with…"+
"\nRT @zackfox: when you see a bright future then realize \nthe brightness is from all your bridge burning, \ngaslighting, and fighting fire with…",30,30);
fill(0);textAlign(CENTER,CENTER);text("\n#Gaslighting https://t.co/zL2VbGnePw"+
"\nWhen authority figures like #doctors tell you \nyr experience isn't real, over and \nover again, that is called #gaslighting. It's abuse"
fill(255, 54, 28);textAlign(RIGHT,RIGHT);
text("\nRT @zackfox: when you see a bright future then realize \nthe brightness is from all your bridge burning, \ngaslighting, and fighting fire with…"+
"\nRT @zackfox: when you see a bright future then realize \nthe brightness is from all your bridge burning, \ngaslighting, and fighting fire with…"+
"\nRT @zackfox: when you see a bright future then realize \nthe brightness is from all your bridge burning, \ngaslighting, and fighting fire with…"
textFont(timeFont);textSize(10);fill(0);textAlign(RIGHT,RIGHT);text("\n\nSTOLEN:11/01/2016 16:58:41",width/2+270,height/2+300);
