img_4370 plotter plotter1 plotter2 plotter3 plotter4 plotter5 plotter6 plotter7 plotter8 plotter9 plotter10 plotter11 plotter12 I would say that I went with premises I and II. I was inspired by 8-Ecke, and found a way to generate something similar and build off, while also creating a system which used randomization in an organized way. I generated randomized shapes, and the number of shapes was different each time a pdf was created. I created a dice rolling function, which would spit out an integer from one to six. I called the die rolling function at each subsection that a shape was drawn. the number of rows and columns determined the number of shapes. If the number one was rolled, a shape would not be drawn, and in its place, a hole would be cut out. I manipulated the strokeWeight and colors of the parts of my composition as a way of directing the laser cutter to do what I wanted. I do not undersand because sometimes, it will still cut out a random shape, but it will cut out so few that I almost find it to be another element which adds complexity to the piece. I really enjoyed working on this one, I am in the process of making a book with what I have printed from the laser cutter. I liked the idea of allowing the holes to serve as little peepholes so you could peer through to the next page. While making this project, I felt a lot like I was in a printmaking studio, just because of how getting a nice print takes time. There is something elegant about the work when it is in physical form.