Clacker- First Word/ Last Word
The first word/ last word paradigm rings true throughout art’s relationship with contemporary technology. The pressure to either be the first or the best is specific to technologies relationship with art becasue the tools themselves trickle down in accessibility. An artist with institutional access and connections to the contemporary world of technology can strive to be first by using the tech tools accessible to those working in technology for artistic means. An artist who has situated themselves in a strictly art context, alongside those working with more traditional mediums, will never be the first to use a tool in an artistic context, but has the potential to, as this article put it, stand the test of time. This is possible when a deep understanding of art and art history can be applied to contemporary technology. I find myself questioning this relationship frequently, and wonder if this paradigm is the result of the fact that any one person can not be both an expert fine artist with a capital A, and also be on the cutting edge of technology and clued in to insider shifts in the software/hardware climate. Though that being said, I am curious about how interdisciplinary programs can promote a generally multidisciplinary artist working at the forefront of both technology and art. I am interested in seeing how this new approach will potentially alter the First Word / Last Word paradigm.