Author Archives: Collin Burger

About Collin Burger

My name is Collin Burger and I am an electrical and computer engineer trying to escape my fate of dwelling in a cubicle. I am currently pursuing a master's degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering at CMU in order to delay my aforementioned fate and perhaps make some entertaining things in the process. Thematically, I am interested in cultural analytics, people's relationships with technology, and humorous artworks.


Twitter: @cyburgee

Posts by Collin Burger:

Parametric Object 23 Jan 2014
AniType Letters: ‘I’ and ‘4’
Looking Outwards: Information Visualization
Looking Outwards: Self-Quantification Tools 20 Jan 2014
Project 1: Lenticular Animation
Project 0: Looking Outwards 16 Jan 2014
Project 0: Collin Burger