Author Archives: Andre Le

About Andre Le

I'm Andre Le, a masters student in Human Computer Interaction. I have a BS degree in Visual Design and have worked for about 5 years in the tech and advertising industries before coming to Carnegie Mellon University. I started programming at 10 years old when my 4th grade teacher introduced me to BASIC, Logos, and Hypercard. Today, I am a total geek and like to dabble in everything from hardware/software hacking to video production. I'm no software engineer, but I love using everything in my toolkit to prototype my ideas. A few other interests are martial arts (jiujitsu and muay thai), robotics, hip hop dance choreography, and food. :)



Twitter: @Andre_Le

Posts by Andre Le:

Andre Le – AniType 23 Jan 2014
AndreLe-LookingOutwards-2 21 Jan 2014
Lenticular Animation: Refill
AndreLe-LookingOutwards-1 16 Jan 2014
Hello! 15 Jan 2014