by ju @ 8:23 pm 2 April 2012
1. Heart Rate Monitor
I am interested in health-care related interactive projects. For an instance, I hope to create a cloth like a T-shirt or a hoodie that monitors hear rate. For this idea, I am inspired by Nien Lam and Sue Ngo who created Warning Signs at ITP, NYU. For my project, I hope to measure heart rate and displays it on a cloth whenever it reaches high.
Here is a demo of their Warning Signs.
2. Virtual Fishing Pond
It was really fun to play with AR toolkit from last project. So, I thought that it would be fun to create virtual fishing pond using AR toolkit. I am thinking about to using real fishing rod attached with QR code. The project is intended for children-use, and they can fish on a computer screen using webcam.
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by xing @ 7:01 pm
Real time FIFA12
FIFA 12 (titled FIFA Soccer 12 in North America) is the nineteenth game in Electronic Arts‘ FIFA series of association football video games. When playing the game, you control the soccer players in the game by the use of controller or keyboard.
I am thinking about using the controller to control actually player in the field. You can control the actual player in the filed by the direction and movements. The player may be wearing some kinds of devices that could get the signal from the player’s controller as the order.
Augmented reality adventure game
This idea is inspirited by Jonathan’s project 4:
I am thinking about using more AR tools like Barcode and reActivision maker to build the virtual world. And I am considering about putting some storytelling and element of complex interaction into it.
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by Joe @ 3:09 pm
Digital Masquerade
Inspired by my previous foray into Digital Puppetry and other students’ excellent with with the AR Toolkit, I believe there’s a rich opportunity to explore playful digital self-augmentation during our exhibition.
A compatriot of Dan’s created this excellent installation, using simple post-it notes as markers through which guests could don a variety of cartoony accessories. If computational realities prove amiable, I plan on implementing a similar strategy, but with slightly more elaborate props.
The social dynamic and physical implementation still needs to be considered, though. Would this be a toy for guests to try on different disguises? A commentary on digital identity and personality projection? Should the projected models be masks, costumes or accessories? Pleasant and fun or subversive and thought-provoking? Should the guests even necessarily be aware of what they’re wearing? Perhaps instead of a projector, individuals must view their peers’ masks through the relative privacy of their own mobile phone.

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