Alex + Mahvish | Thumbnail and Summary

by a.wolfe @ 6:52 am 3 May 2012

For our final project, we completed a series of studies experimenting with soft origami in the context of creating a wearable. We developed several methods of creating tessellations cut normal folding time in half and were simple to create in bulk, including scoring with the laser cutter, creating stencils to use the fabric itself as a flexible hinge, and heat setting synthetics between origami molds. We also examined the folds themselves, writing scripts to generate crease patterns that either focused on kinetic properties or being able to control the curve and shape of the final form.

These studies culminated in a  dress that took advantage of the innate kinetic properties of the waterbomb fold to display global movement over the entire skirt structure with a relatively lightweight mechanical system. The dress moves in tandem with a breath sensor, mimicking the expanding/contracting movements of the wearer.

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