Varvara Toukeridou – Final project ideas

by varvara @ 7:35 am 3 April 2012

The work I did for the interact project enforced my interest on the idea that crowd behavior (either crowd’s movement or sound) may assist a designer in the generation of form. I can think of two ways this could be approached:

– either by designing an interactive geometry that will change and adjust to various inputs, not with the objective of just providing aesthetic results but also of creating different user experiences in that space.

– or by using the crowd input to digitally generate different fixed geometries, each providing a specific user experience

Looking for precedent projects, focusing on the field of acoustic surfaces I came across the following project which I find inspiring:

Virtual Anechoic Chamber

The objective of this project is to see how the acoustic performance of a surface can be modified through geometry or material.


A couple of ideas for the final project:

– Develop a small interactive physical model that will be able to accommodate a small number of sound conditions; a parallel sound – geometry simulation will demonstrate how differently geometry affects sound.

– Develop a tool where you would be able to experiment with a given geometry system and based on sound or movement input to be able to see how the different geometries can interact with the input. For example, what kind of geometry would be ideal for a specific crowd behavior?



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