Nick Inzucchi – Final Project Ideas + Inspiration

by nick @ 11:22 pm 2 April 2012

1. Kinect body/motion visualizer for large-screen projection and performance settings. Take the point cloud literally; make each voxel a physics particle which reacts the the motion of the dancer.

Three things I love about this project : 360 degree depth map, depth points become physical particles, the sweet industrial soundscape tying it all together.

2. Extend my project 3 into an even more performance-centered system. Bring projections into the mix so the audience can visualize my activity behind the tables on a large scale. Play up the conducting metaphor even more. Push and pull musical elements into or out of the mix and onto the projection screen, brainstorm creative ways of combining spatial actions and visualized audio.

3. Something with a glitch art aesthetic. I recently visited the American Art Museum in DC and saw some images from Thomas Ruff’s jpegs series. I love how these images bring the medium into relief, and I think it would be cool to do something similar for computer art. Ruff’s art works because we have a common language of pixels. What is the common language of interactive art?

4. Binaural soundscape explorer. Strap on headphones and be completely transported to another audio realm. Seriously dark shit, ambient industrial factory horror set.

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