Eli Rosen – Final Project Ideas

by eli @ 11:43 pm 2 April 2012

Some Final Project Ideas:


This is an idea inspired by the music video below.  It would be a project installation which involves eating some berries or pills to modify an on screen silhouette representation of yourself.  Some could make your legs grow.  Others could make your arms become stretchy and gelatinous…


Civil War Visualization Revisited:

This would be another attempt to visualize some data from the civil war.   I would try to capture a narrative more effectively and would maybe build it in javascript and html5.

Emotion Generator:

This is a reaction to the fact that we read, watch movies and play games in order to draw out extreme emotional responses.  We seem to like to experience extreme emotion when it’s source is artificial and it can be turned off at any time.  This project would attempt to cut out all the time consuming narrative and just try to generate the emotional response.


The New Gestural Language of the Digital Native:

Some of you have probably seen this video of a baby using an ipad.

That got me thinking that the kid will grow up with the knowledge of these gestural commands.  What will future gestural commands look like?  Will our new vocabulary of gestural commands be applied to other types of objects besides screens?  Here I would examine what it would mean to apply a pinch and zoom gesture to some physical object like a hat or a pair of shoes.

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