Ju Young Park – InteractFinal

by ju @ 1:56 am 29 March 2012



For this project, I am inspired by Nam Jun Paik’s video art series. Especially, I was motivated by his More the Better(多多益善) and V-yramid. I love his art in a way it uses tv as a source of colors, graphics, or information. Since tv itself represents media and information, his artwork breaks away from physical place, and instead it represents virtual place where people mentally get mediated from information given by tv and media.



As I identify the experience of getting mediated by tv as a virtual place where people re-define their knowledge, I wanted to draw surreal tv in  a virtual place.

So, I decided to use AR-toolkit to reproduce Nam Jun Paik’s V-ramid.









1 Comment

  1. I like the idea of re-contextualizing an existing digital artist’s work in an even more digital form
    I love the sense of space created by the pyramid! It’d be interesting to explore this aspect of AR rather than rendering the more standard 3D character model.
    Pretty cool! I love the effect of watching the screen from all sides. As for performance, I have used AR toolkit as well, and I don’t think it is the video camera. It is just Processing slowing you down.
    Good experiment. You should also try openFrameworks: partially, because the performance will be better than processing, and partially, because you’ll benefit from getting familiar with a greater diversity of environments. More generally
    It is great. I would even love it better if there is more tellis.
    Looks awesome despite the performance issues. There’s something nice about holding TV in your hand as an object. Seeing video rendered in AR still blows my mind for some reason.
    I think you missed an opportunity to use more substantial 3D models. The planes worked, but I think actual TVs or some other form might have been better. Maybe showing video on something that normally doesn’t display video?

    Could you have arranged more than one 1 AR marker in the space?
    That was an interesting concept, and it turned out looking really interesting. i would say try to hide the marker when in the AR world, but other than that great idea / project!+1
    That is very cool. I think one of the most interesting things about AR is the three-dimentionality of the virtual object. I think you took good advantage of that.

    Comment by admin — 29 March 2012 @ 11:37 am

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