Zack LookInOutInOut4
I have had an idea for some time about an interactive PIECE for my wife, who is often the last person to benefit from my career choices. I was inspired by Kyle Machulis’ tele-dildonics projects. I would like to make a dildo for my wife that becomes more erect the more I use my computer. While I’m working, she still gets some attention.
NonPolynomial Lab:
Stupid Sex Dolls, typical: This is a bad and stupid use of technology for sex. Just use your hand.
This is a little impersonal:
Arthur Ganson Chair dance: This is related if your a fan of chair dancing, but otherwise just and amazing machine.
One thing that might help you track your computer usage is something like Rescue Time: Not sure if you can get access to the data in real time so that you can use it, but it may save you the trouble of having to write your own usage tracker.
If you want to detect computer usage, AutoHotkey might be able to help with detecting idle time. Here’s the variable that might be of interest:
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