Xing Xu-Looking outwards 4
The following three art works are the result of Google when you search “interactive art” in videos and I deleted one the the result which has already been posted by other classmate. And I looked into the first ten pages of the result that is 100 videos. And I found out that when working with the interaction. Most of the interactive art work could be catagorized into 2 kinds: physical(body, facial, arm, leg,feet, distance with the artwork, touch..etc) and audio. And with the interaction, the area that is needed for the work varies from a limited area to a big space of area.
Interactive art with wooden mirrors (1/4) by Daniel Rozin
Wooden Mirror – 1999
830 square pieces of wood, 830 servo motors, control electronics, video camera, computer, wood frame.
Size – W 67” x H 80” x D 10” (170cm , 203cm, 25cm).
Built in 1999, this is the first mechanical mirror I built. This piece explores the line between digital and physical, using a warm and natural material such as wood to portray the abstract notion of digital pixels. Look here, you can find more mirrors.
ACCESS – an interactive art installation by Marie Sester
ACCESS is an an interactive installation that lets web users track anonymous individuals in public places, by pursuing them with a robotic spotlight and acoustic beam system.
Act/React: Interactive Art, installation video 2