Abstract Robot Expression

by heather @ 9:12 am 1 March 2012

I’ve always been a big fan of abstract art, letting the stories twirl in my head around the shapes or along the brushstrokes. In this project, I ask, can robots walk through the space of emotional expression to achieve the same effect? The human mind is wonderful at making abstract connections, creating narrative and attributions of intent.

My clay was the Gamebot robot, a three-axis head and screen. Eventually intended to play boardgames with us on a touchscreen surface in the Gates Cafe, the project is led by my advisor Reid Simmons. In the first video below, I show a handcrafted robot expression.

Gamebot: “My Heart Hurts”

Traditionally the software used with this robot, which I had never worked before, has been developed and used for the Robo-Receptionist in Newell-Simon Hall. The Robo-Receptionist has a screen but no head motors, which required some adaptation of the code, as the mapping from ‘simulation’ to ‘robot’ sometimes produced motion that was abrupt, too fast, too slow, or not communicating the desired state/emotion.

Another reason to rework the code was to create more variable-based expressive states, in which amplitude and timing are controllable characteristics. The previous software mostly uses a categorical approach to emotions, by which I mean, emotional and expressive robot behaviors are scripted and discrete. The video below shows four possible states of waiting: happy, pensive, sad, mad. The is an example of an emotion model with categorical states.

Gamebot: Waiting State Machine

In contrast to this state machine, I show the robot running through continuously varying range of mood valence (this sample is face only, but will be used in conjunction with motion in the following step). Rather than use a state machine for emotion representation, I borrow a function called mood from the Robo-Receptionist to explore the space between happy and sad. By representing the continuous variable, I can next use shifting sequentials and generative algorithms to explore the space of expression.

Gamebot: Gradient of Happy to Sad

Next, I scripted a branching and looping function to combine mood state with emotion, in the hope that the unplanned creations would evoke stories in us, as we imbue the robot with intent. Throughout evolution, we have used our ability to “read” people and make snap decisions to safely and happily navigate the world. This same unconscious behavior occurs when we see a robot face or robot in motion.

The code: define parameters to constrain the lips to transitions between smile – neutral – frown or stay the same, while the head motion explores the space of an outer and inner square.

The story: the next step is the interpretation, each generation will be unique. I share my stories for the three videos below, but I invite any of you to craft your own. Watch for the lips and head motion!

In I, I see a tale of beauty and intimacy. The camera angles interplay with expression.

Generative Gamebot I: Beauty & Intimacy

In II, I see a robot interrupted by an unwanted video camera. The desire to look presentable conflicts with with her frustration at the imposition. Benign bickering likely to follow.

Generative Gamebot II: A Camera, Really?!

In III, the robot seems to be gazing into the mirror and thinking, “It’s hard to hide my unhappiness.” It practices smiling, occasionally despairing at the farse and letting it fade again.

Generated Gamebot III: Hard to Hide

The Big Ideas:

  1. Humans are good at making up stories
  2. Motion is uniquely expressive
  3. Explore variable rather than categorical expression
  4. Generative Algorithms can help us explore the space

Excited to get a simple model up and running! Thoughts about more complex algorithms I could use to explore this space (especially motion) would be awesome!

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