KelseyLee – project 3 Idea
My original concept was about using music to generate some type of visual representation of itself. I like the idea of creating something that appeals to more than just the eyes and the addition of audio seemed like it had a lot of potential.
I remember this one visualization of Bach’s Cello Suite No. 1 – Prelude
And while it doesn’t appear to be a generative piece of art, the appeal of using what was being seen to reinterpret what was being heard became the focus of my project idea.
Recently I saw mobile by Alexander Calder. Every time I see one of his works I’m always struck by how interesting it is to both view and contemplate. The balancing of the weights and the floating in mid-air, always seeming to want to be more lively.

My idea now is to generate mobile type sculptures based on some musical signature and have the sculpture type visualization rotate and move about according to the rhythm of the song. Thus far Shapes 3D seems like it could help generate the mass and structure of the mobile, with examples such as Example 1 and Example 2. The 3D physics based movement/spinning would then need a library which is TBD.
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