Generative Art–my project 2/personal looking out

by alex @ 9:54 am 16 February 2012

Arthur Ganson

I’ve been working with gears on and off for the past year now. They are obviously complicated to mesh together properly depending on ratios, pitch, teeth, etc. But there are a limited set of rules that can be defined for creating perfect pairings of gears.

For my project I’m inspired by the obsession we have as academia to figure out how all things work. Therefore I want to create a rhinoscript which allows a generation of unnecessarily complicated scheme of gears. I’m imagining being able to specify a STARTING motor/torque point and then a FINAL output point and have the program generate hundreds of gears and random configurations in between.

For this project if I can get a script working with a few generated models and/or animations I will be happy. But preferably I would like to be able to laser cut these final confusing nightmares of random gears so that they function and move.

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