EliRosen – Looking Outwards3

by eli @ 11:27 pm 13 February 2012

This is a title sequence by Dvein. They are a very cool animation studio made up of Fernando Domínguez, Teo Guillem and Carlos Pardo. The title sequence feature some amazing organic animation blended expertly with live action. The editing and sound design are typical of a lot of their work.

This is a generative architectural project I came across from Kokkugia, an architectural practice with offices in NYC and London. As they put it on their website, “the shell’s articulation is algorithmically generated through a cell division procedure in response to the tower geometry.”

This is very cool. Petros Vrellis animates the strokes of Vincent Van Gogh’s Starry Night. They flow in the direction that they were painted, effectively capturing the morion of the piece. The piece can be manipulated on a touch screen and the sound apparently responds to the changes in the flow of the brush strokes.

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