Nick Inzucchi – Project 2 – Chart Porn

by nick @ 3:09 am 9 February 2012

My project is a visualization of one’s deepest darkest browsing secrets. It takes a Google Chrome history file, cross-references it with a blacklist to extract all the unsavory parts, then visualized it all in a harsh white-on-black void. The title of each dirty history entry is displayed as a dynamic chain of letters tumbling toward the ground. They collect on the bottom to form a swelling mass of porn titles. The most recent entry is always red. The user can erase this entry by typing its name. Once a title is completely typed out, the sketch goes back and deletes that entry from the history database.

[slideshare id=11493469&doc=iacdproject2-120209015504-phpapp01]

The concept is to make each user face the reality of their actions. Browsers make it far too easy to delete one’s past without a second thought. Here we go through an act of recitation to ‘cleanse’ away the sin. I originally planned to have many more religious overtones, but those seemed heavy-handed compared to this minimalist approach. Overall I’m satisfied with the final product; I executed the original concept 90%. This really belongs online, though. I would love to make an HTML5 drag-and-drop version in the future.

1 Comment

  1. ========================================
    Nicholas Inzucchi: Chart Porn

    I think your missing the large majority of racier names, at least in your title sample
    also, it’s ok to say “cocksucking” in class, cocksuckingcocksuckingcocksucking

    I really like the way the visuals are done, you really made people laugh
    good use of the typographical influence

    nice stock photography

    “so basically the way that it works is that it drips porn”

    one of the shapes looked like a person, that was kinda neat, i think i would be worth exploring the shapes they make
    I think you succeeded in making people laugh

    interesting topic and cool visualizations! oh i like the animation 

    the participatory nature of typing to get rid of the titles is a nce touch
    I agree — having to retype the titles of your viewed porn in order to clear them from your browsing history — is a very interesting premise. 

    next level: use speech-to-text to require the user to speak the names of the titles. you could have a front end that looks like a confessional booth.

    great execution from concept, to interaction, and proposed interaction with html5 app…+1 Difficult to read the different lines and type them back out

    If you close it without removing everything, it get’s tweeted or posted to facebook…

    Hilarious!  Way to dive right into something most of do but none of us talk about.  Friend’s history? It would be good it the words kind of squirted out rather than just fell.  The virtual contrition is very edgy as well.
    I don’t know if this would increase or decrease porn surf.

    Great way to simplify the tech quickly to how it works.

    The presentation is wonderful – you did a good job explaining your thought process without shame. Most people wouldn’t have tried something this real or potentially embarassing. I hope you end up making the website for the public. Great job seeing your vision all the way through, the final result seems really successful.
    ^^ Agreed, this is a great presentation.

    I love your graphics! Nice color selection. Fun project!

    Alright, we get the idea. 

    First off, nice presentation of your ideas. Your idea and implementation is really engaging and pretty darn funny. Perhaps my only critique would be that the words are hard to read? Then again, it forces you to really decipher what the string is and therefore really make an effort of deleting the history. 

    Interesting inquiry, well-presented. Brave, even. Nice job!

    The fact that you’re required to type all the words to erase them is really what makes this project. Did you find you were desensitized after a while? I wonder if the words lose some meaning when you type so many to clear the pile.

    Very bold topic, love it. I also love the interaction for deleting the browser history. One thought that occurs is an additional interaction that allows you to highlight recurring words between all the strings.

    Very strong and solid idea. W/ little holes or criticisms. But it still feels like something is missing. Maybe that it so heavily text based and predictable as a physics engine. I wan something  more abstract or beautiful. This has a very urban street style so you stay within the grungy realm. It feels less guilty if your stuck within the dirty realm. If it was more prestigious looking maybe you would feel more awkward. Or more public aka facebook app.

    I thought your presentation was great and it was great that you pointed out where you got your inspirations. your typography is great. 

    Really nice presentation font, and color choice: matches the bold visualization that you are creating.

    Amazing presentation.  Really great project idea.  It is vulgar but that is the reality of porn and it is uncomfortable to confront.

    This is hilarious. You could just stop after listing the titles and it would be a great project. 
    ** Agree

    Incredibly thought out slides. Good work! Your visualization is both intriguing and indirectly interactive because people are consciously aware if they have seen/heard/or liked the titles! Especially the inclusion of the deleting by typing out words.

    love the inclusion of dragging the history into the html5 applet.
    **agreed. Also could be interesting to see what’s there that you didn’t know about. Like if you visited a site and its collected like spam by accident

    kinda disturbing dude.

    Comment by patrick — 9 February 2012 @ 10:08 am

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