Xing Xu-FaceOSC
The name of the project is “jawbreaker”. It is because for today when I went to the univeristy health service to check my eye problem which is turned to be caused by the overheat of the room. The nurse asked me about what the “ball” is for. I said it is a bomb. He laughed. And then I asked “Do American people get sensitive when I was saying it is a bomb?”. He said “Well, maybe in the big cities like New York, but here it is ok.”….. I could not remember that later part of the conversation. But I do remember that he told me it is better be called “jawbreaker” and because I have no idea what is that, he tried explaining that to me.
This is a project using FaceOSC and Arduino. W
When you open the mouth it will choose a random color and get the light ON.
The Arduino board has a Xbee module which could send and receive data wirelessly from another Xbee module from the computer. There is a RGD LED light attached to the Arduino. Thus the color and the frequency of the flashing of the light will be controled by the Arduino and also be controled by the other Xbee module. The ball is part of my work from round 5 Building Virtual World course in Entertainment Technology Center. My friend Sean McChesney and Maria Tartaglia helped to make the ball from a hamster ball. I finished this project during the night of Monday in week 2 of Spring semester. It seems like there is tons of possiblities in using faceOSC. hahahaha.