
by varvara @ 7:41 am 24 January 2012

Navigation camera control with face gestures
The objective of this project was to be able to navigate in 3d model using face gestures. Who doesn’t want to be able to zoom in and out, rotate around, pan etc in a 3d scene without having to use the mouse? To make this happen I brought together the Peasycam library for Processing, the FaceOSC tool created by Kyle Mcdonald and the FaceOSC template for Processing created by Dan Wilcox. Changes in face orientation in x, y, z result to rotating the model around x, y and z axis respectively. Changes in face position result to panning the 3d model on the screen. Changes in scale result to zooming in and out in the scene. At any point, the model can be set at its default position by increasing the mouth width, i.e. strongly smiling. The navigation in the 3d scene is made possible by using the navigation commands provided by the Peasycam library, that is by moving the camera in relation to the model (the actual size, position etc of the model is not being altered).

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