
by sankalp @ 1:49 am 24 January 2012

Project 1:

font-face from Andy Clymer on Vimeo.

Essentially, this project uses face tracker software like Face OSC to tilt, recolor,and increase the stroke weight of a given font (particularly, the letter “a”), tilt. As a BSA student concentrating in Communication Design, I find this type of thing extraordinarily inspiring! The possibilities and implications of using a designer’s expressions to control the design elements of typography are immense and far-reaching. If I had to do anything, I would add the ability to resize the letter and possibly place it in the background so that a user could edit letters and place them in the background, effectively spelling out words in various alterations to the original typeface.



Project 2:

My other concentration through the BSA program is in Mathematical Sciences. As a math major, I’ve often been asked “so, Math, huh? what do you plan to do with that?” Well now, I can reference this awesome information design chart that actually depicts the annual salary of various forms of employment in relation to how much math they had to study. This type of thing is not only interesting, but really motivational to me. As this weird sort of hybrid of two fields, my major really urges me to use information design like this to explore some common perceptions of a person who majors in just math. If I had to change anything, I’d probably better explain the bottom axis. Right now, I can’t figure our the use of the units on the bottom axis. I mean, I get what it’s attempting to depict, but I’d at least include a blurb about what the axis does.

Project 3.

found over here at

Outside of school, I’m a huge fan of Rap & Hip-Hop. This image is the collective visualization of the distribution of rapper names based on ideas,objects,or titles that the rapper  derived his/her name from. I could honestly look at this thing for hours on end. It’s really inspiring to see design and information visualization come together to form something that I generally find the public not know or care about. If I had to add anything, I’d see if I could tie in the dates in which the rapper was born to see if any interesting facts emerged from the timeline of choice of rap name.

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