Sam Lavery – 13-9-65

by sam @ 12:30 am 24 January 2012
//reproduction of 13-9-65
//creates a boolean variable to keep track of when the mouse has been clicked. program creates new iteration with every click
boolean click = true;
//creates random number (between 4 and 6) of circles. just a guess based on the original artwork
float numCircle = random(4,6);
//variables used for creating arrays
int numLines = 9;
int numVertex = 8;
int testWidth = 500;
int testHeight = 500;
//x value arrays
float[]x1 = new float[numVertex];
float[]x2 = new float[numVertex];
float[]x3 = new float[numVertex];
float[]x4 = new float[numVertex];
float[]x5 = new float[numVertex];
float[]x6 = new float[numVertex];
float[]x7 = new float[numVertex];
float[]x8 = new float[numVertex];
float[]x9 = new float[numVertex];
//y value arrays
float[]y1 = new float[numVertex];
float[]y2 = new float[numVertex];
float[]y3 = new float[numVertex];
float[]y4 = new float[numVertex];
float[]y5 = new float[numVertex];
float[]y6 = new float[numVertex];
float[]y7 = new float[numVertex];
float[]y8 = new float[numVertex];
float[]y9 = new float[numVertex];
float[]slope1 = new float[numVertex-1];
float[]slope2 = new float[numVertex-1];
float[]slope3 = new float[numVertex-1];
float[]slope4 = new float[numVertex-1];
float[]slope5 = new float[numVertex-1];
float[]slope6 = new float[numVertex-1];
float[]slope7 = new float[numVertex-1];
float[]slope8 = new float[numVertex-1];
float[]slope9 = new float[numVertex-1];
float[]xintercept1 = new float[numVertex];
void setup()
  size(testWidth, testHeight);
//function to change the state of "click" variable
 void mouseClicked()
   click = true;
//begin drawing
void draw()
// create border
//create x value of vertices
      for(int i = 0; i < numVertex; i++)
    x1[i] = (testWidth/numVertex)*i + random(testWidth/numLines, (testWidth/numVertex)*0.25*i);
    x2[i] = (testWidth/numVertex)*i + random(testWidth/numLines, (testWidth/numVertex)*0.25*i);
    x3[i] = (testWidth/numVertex)*i + random(testWidth/numLines, (testWidth/numVertex)*0.25*i);
    x4[i] = (testWidth/numVertex)*i + random(testWidth/numLines, (testWidth/numVertex)*0.25*i);
    x5[i] = (testWidth/numVertex)*i + random(testWidth/numLines, (testWidth/numVertex)*0.25*i);
    x6[i] = (testWidth/numVertex)*i + random(testWidth/numLines, (testWidth/numVertex)*0.25*i);
    x7[i] = (testWidth/numVertex)*i + random(testWidth/numLines, (testWidth/numVertex)*0.25*i);
    x8[i] = (testWidth/numVertex)*i + random(testWidth/numLines, (testWidth/numVertex)*0.25*i);
    x9[i] = (testWidth/numVertex)*i + random(testWidth/numLines, (testWidth/numVertex)*0.25*i);
//set first x coordinate to 0 for all lines
  x1[0] = 0;
  x2[0] = 0;
  x3[0] = 0;
  x4[0] = 0;
  x5[0] = 0;
  x6[0] = 0;
  x7[0] = 0;
  x8[0] = 0;
  x9[0] = 0;
//set last x coordinate to the testWidth
  x1[numVertex-1] = testWidth;
  x2[numVertex-1] = testWidth;
  x3[numVertex-1] = testWidth;
  x4[numVertex-1] = testWidth;
  x5[numVertex-1] = testWidth;
  x6[numVertex-1] = testWidth;
  x7[numVertex-1] = testWidth;
  x8[numVertex-1] = testWidth;
  x9[numVertex-1] = testWidth;
//create y value of vertices
    for(int i = 0; i < numVertex; i++)
    y1[i] = random(0, (testHeight/numLines));
    y2[i] = random(testHeight/numLines, (testHeight/numLines)*2);
    y3[i] = random((testHeight/numLines)*2, (testHeight/numLines)*3);
    y4[i] = random((testHeight/numLines)*3, (testHeight/numLines)*4);
    y5[i] = random((testHeight/numLines)*4, (testHeight/numLines)*5);
    y6[i] = random((testHeight/numLines)*5, (testHeight/numLines)*6);
    y7[i] = random((testHeight/numLines)*6, (testHeight/numLines)*7);
    y8[i] = random((testHeight/numLines)*7, (testHeight/numLines)*8);
    y9[i] = random((testHeight/numLines)*8, (testHeight/numLines)*9);
//find slopes
  for(int i = 0; i< numVertex-1; i++)
    slope1[i] = (y1[i]- y1[i+1])/(x1[i]-x1[i+1]);
    slope2[i] = (y2[i]- y2[i+1])/(x2[i]-x2[i+1]);
    slope3[i] = (y3[i]- y3[i+1])/(x3[i]-x3[i+1]);
    slope4[i] = (y4[i]- y4[i+1])/(x4[i]-x4[i+1]);
    slope5[i] = (y5[i]- y5[i+1])/(x5[i]-x5[i+1]);
    slope6[i] = (y6[i]- y6[i+1])/(x6[i]-x6[i+1]);
    slope7[i] = (y7[i]- y7[i+1])/(x7[i]-x7[i+1]);
    slope8[i] = (y8[i]- y8[i+1])/(x8[i]-x8[i+1]);
    slope9[i] = (y9[i]- y9[i+1])/(x9[i]-x9[i+1]);
// draw horizontal lines from coordinates in arrays
    for(int i = 0; i< numVertex-1; i++)
      line(x1[i],y1[i], x1[i+1],y1[i+1]);
      line(x2[i],y2[i], x2[i+1],y2[i+1]);
      line(x3[i],y3[i], x3[i+1],y3[i+1]);
      line(x4[i],y4[i], x4[i+1],y4[i+1]);
      line(x5[i],y5[i], x5[i+1],y5[i+1]);
      line(x6[i],y6[i], x6[i+1],y6[i+1]);
      line(x7[i],y7[i], x7[i+1],y7[i+1]);
      line(x8[i],y8[i], x8[i+1],y8[i+1]);
      line(x9[i],y9[i], x9[i+1],y9[i+1]);
//draw vertical straight lines
  for(int i = 0; i< numVertex-1; i++)
  int chance = int(random(1,8));
  int a = int(random(1,40));
  int b = int(random(1,40));
  int c = int(random(1,40));
  int d = int(random(1,40));
  if(chance == 1)
  triangle(x1[i], y1[i], x1[i+1], y1[i+1], x2[i], y2[i]);
  triangle(x1[i], y1[i], x2[i+1], y2[i+1], x2[i], y2[i]);
  triangle(x1[i]+a, y1[i]+a*slope1[i], x1[i]+b, y2[i]+b*slope2[i], x2[i], y2[i]);
  triangle(x1[i]+c, y1[i]+c*slope1[i], x1[i]+d, y2[i]+d*slope2[i], x2[i+1], y2[i+1]);
  triangle(x1[i+1], y1[i+1], x1[i]+c, y1[i]+c*slope1[i], x2[i+1], y2[i+1]);
  else if(chance ==3)
  line(x1[i] + a, y1[i]+a*slope1[i], x1[i] + a, (y2[i])+a*slope2[i]);
  line(x1[i] + b, y1[i]+b*slope1[i], x1[i] + b, (y2[i])+b*slope2[i]);
  line(x1[i] + c, y1[i]+c*slope1[i], x1[i] + c, (y2[i])+c*slope2[i]);
  line(x1[i] + d, y1[i]+d*slope1[i], x1[i] + d, (y2[i])+d*slope2[i]);
  //fill 2
    for(int i = 0; i< numVertex-1; i++)
  int chance = int(random(1,8));
  int a = int(random(1,40));
  int b = int(random(1,40));
  int c = int(random(1,40));
  int d = int(random(1,40));
  if(chance == 1)
  triangle(x2[i], y2[i], x2[i+1], y2[i+1], x3[i], y3[i]);
  triangle(x2[i], y2[i], x3[i+1], y3[i+1], x3[i], y3[i]);
  triangle(x2[i]+a, y2[i]+a*slope2[i], x2[i]+b, y3[i]+b*slope3[i], x3[i], y3[i]);
  triangle(x2[i]+c, y2[i]+c*slope2[i], x2[i]+d, y3[i]+d*slope3[i], x3[i+1], y3[i+1]);
  triangle(x2[i+1], y2[i+1], x2[i]+c, y2[i]+c*slope2[i], x3[i+1], y3[i+1]);
  else if(chance ==3)
  line(x2[i] + a, y2[i]+a*slope2[i], x2[i] + a, (y3[i])+a*slope3[i]);
  line(x2[i] + b, y2[i]+b*slope2[i], x2[i] + b, (y3[i])+b*slope3[i]);
  line(x2[i] + c, y2[i]+c*slope2[i], x2[i] + c, (y3[i])+c*slope3[i]);
  line(x2[i] + d, y2[i]+d*slope2[i], x2[i] + d, (y3[i])+d*slope3[i]);
  //fill 3
      for(int i = 0; i< numVertex-1; i++)
  int chance = int(random(1,6));
  int a = int(random(1,40));
  int b = int(random(1,40));
  int c = int(random(1,40));
  int d = int(random(1,40));
  if(chance == 1)
  triangle(x3[i], y3[i], x3[i+1], y3[i+1], x4[i], y4[i]);
  triangle(x3[i], y3[i], x4[i+1], y4[i+1], x4[i], y4[i]);
  triangle(x3[i]+a, y3[i]+a*slope3[i], x3[i]+b, y4[i]+b*slope4[i], x4[i], y4[i]);
  triangle(x3[i]+c, y3[i]+c*slope3[i], x3[i]+d, y4[i]+d*slope4[i], x4[i+1], y4[i+1]);
  triangle(x3[i+1], y3[i+1], x3[i]+c, y3[i]+c*slope3[i], x4[i+1], y4[i+1]);
  else if(chance ==3)
  line(x3[i] + a, y3[i]+a*slope3[i], x3[i] + a, (y4[i])+a*slope4[i]);
  line(x3[i] + b, y3[i]+b*slope3[i], x3[i] + b, (y4[i])+b*slope4[i]);
  line(x3[i] + c, y3[i]+c*slope3[i], x3[i] + c, (y4[i])+c*slope4[i]);
  line(x3[i] + d, y3[i]+d*slope3[i], x3[i] + d, (y4[i])+d*slope4[i]);
  //fill 4
  for(int i = 0; i< numVertex-1; i++)
  int chance = int(random(1,6));
  int a = int(random(1,40));
  int b = int(random(1,40));
  int c = int(random(1,40));
  int d = int(random(1,40));
  if(chance == 1)
  triangle(x4[i], y4[i], x4[i+1], y4[i+1], x5[i], y5[i]);
  triangle(x4[i], y4[i], x5[i+1], y5[i+1], x5[i], y5[i]);
  triangle(x4[i]+a, y4[i]+a*slope4[i], x4[i]+b, y5[i]+b*slope5[i], x5[i], y5[i]);
  triangle(x4[i]+c, y4[i]+c*slope4[i], x4[i]+d, y5[i]+d*slope5[i], x5[i+1], y5[i+1]);
  triangle(x4[i+1], y4[i+1], x4[i]+c, y4[i]+c*slope4[i], x5[i+1], y5[i+1]);
  else if(chance ==3)
  line(x4[i] + a, y4[i]+a*slope4[i], x4[i] + a, (y5[i])+a*slope5[i]);
  line(x4[i] + b, y4[i]+b*slope4[i], x4[i] + b, (y5[i])+b*slope5[i]);
  line(x4[i] + c, y4[i]+c*slope4[i], x4[i] + c, (y5[i])+c*slope5[i]);
  line(x4[i] + d, y4[i]+d*slope4[i], x4[i] + d, (y5[i])+d*slope5[i]);
  //fill 5
  for(int i = 0; i< numVertex-1; i++)
  int chance = int(random(1,6));
  int a = int(random(1,40));
  int b = int(random(1,40));
  int c = int(random(1,40));
  int d = int(random(1,40));
  if(chance == 1)
  triangle(x5[i], y5[i], x5[i+1], y5[i+1], x6[i], y6[i]);
  triangle(x5[i], y5[i], x6[i+1], y6[i+1], x6[i], y6[i]);
  triangle(x5[i]+a, y5[i]+a*slope5[i], x5[i]+b, y6[i]+b*slope6[i], x6[i], y6[i]);
  triangle(x5[i]+c, y5[i]+c*slope5[i], x5[i]+d, y6[i]+d*slope6[i], x6[i+1], y6[i+1]);
  triangle(x5[i+1], y5[i+1], x5[i]+c, y5[i]+c*slope5[i], x6[i+1], y6[i+1]);
  else if(chance ==3)
  line(x5[i] + a, y5[i]+a*slope5[i], x5[i] + a, (y6[i])+a*slope6[i]);
  line(x5[i] + b, y5[i]+b*slope5[i], x5[i] + b, (y6[i])+b*slope6[i]);
  line(x5[i] + c, y5[i]+c*slope5[i], x5[i] + c, (y6[i])+c*slope6[i]);
  line(x5[i] + d, y5[i]+d*slope5[i], x5[i] + d, (y6[i])+d*slope6[i]);
  //fill 6
  for(int i = 0; i< numVertex-1; i++)
  int chance = int(random(1,6));
  int a = int(random(1,40));
  int b = int(random(1,40));
  int c = int(random(1,40));
  int d = int(random(1,40));
  if(chance == 1)
  triangle(x6[i], y6[i], x6[i+1], y6[i+1], x7[i], y7[i]);
  triangle(x6[i], y6[i], x7[i+1], y7[i+1], x7[i], y7[i]);
  triangle(x6[i]+a, y6[i]+a*slope6[i], x6[i]+b, y7[i]+b*slope7[i], x7[i], y7[i]);
  triangle(x6[i]+c, y6[i]+c*slope6[i], x6[i]+d, y7[i]+d*slope7[i], x7[i+1], y7[i+1]);
  triangle(x6[i+1], y6[i+1], x6[i]+c, y6[i]+c*slope6[i], x7[i+1], y7[i+1]);
  else if(chance ==3)
  line(x6[i] + a, y6[i]+a*slope6[i], x6[i] + a, (y7[i])+a*slope7[i]);
  line(x6[i] + b, y6[i]+b*slope6[i], x6[i] + b, (y7[i])+b*slope7[i]);
  line(x6[i] + c, y6[i]+c*slope6[i], x6[i] + c, (y7[i])+c*slope7[i]);
  line(x6[i] + d, y6[i]+d*slope6[i], x6[i] + d, (y7[i])+d*slope7[i]);
  //fill 7
  for(int i = 0; i< numVertex-1; i++)
  int chance = int(random(1,6));
  int a = int(random(1,40));
  int b = int(random(1,40));
  int c = int(random(1,40));
  int d = int(random(1,40));
  if(chance == 1)
  triangle(x7[i], y7[i], x7[i+1], y7[i+1], x8[i], y8[i]);
  triangle(x7[i], y7[i], x8[i+1], y8[i+1], x8[i], y8[i]);
  triangle(x7[i]+a, y7[i]+a*slope7[i], x7[i]+b, y8[i]+b*slope8[i], x8[i], y8[i]);
  triangle(x7[i]+c, y7[i]+c*slope7[i], x7[i]+d, y8[i]+d*slope8[i], x8[i+1], y8[i+1]);
  triangle(x7[i+1], y7[i+1], x7[i]+c, y7[i]+c*slope7[i], x8[i+1], y8[i+1]);
  else if(chance ==3)
  line(x7[i] + a, y7[i]+a*slope7[i], x7[i] + a, (y8[i])+a*slope8[i]);
  line(x7[i] + b, y7[i]+b*slope7[i], x7[i] + b, (y8[i])+b*slope8[i]);
  line(x7[i] + c, y7[i]+c*slope7[i], x7[i] + c, (y8[i])+c*slope8[i]);
  line(x7[i] + d, y7[i]+d*slope7[i], x7[i] + d, (y8[i])+d*slope8[i]);
  //fill 8
  for(int i = 0; i< numVertex-1; i++)
  int chance = int(random(1,6));
  int a = int(random(1,40));
  int b = int(random(1,40));
  int c = int(random(1,40));
  int d = int(random(1,40));
  if(chance == 1)
  triangle(x8[i], y8[i], x8[i+1], y8[i+1], x9[i], y9[i]);
  triangle(x8[i], y8[i], x9[i+1], y9[i+1], x9[i], y9[i]);
  triangle(x8[i]+a, y8[i]+a*slope8[i], x8[i]+b, y9[i]+b*slope9[i], x9[i], y9[i]);
  triangle(x8[i]+c, y8[i]+c*slope8[i], x8[i]+d, y9[i]+d*slope9[i], x9[i+1], y9[i+1]);
  triangle(x8[i+1], y8[i+1], x8[i]+c, y8[i]+c*slope8[i], x9[i+1], y9[i+1]);
  else if(chance ==3)
  line(x8[i] + a, y8[i]+a*slope8[i], x8[i] + a, (y9[i])+a*slope9[i]);
  line(x8[i] + b, y8[i]+b*slope8[i], x8[i] + b, (y9[i])+b*slope9[i]);
  line(x8[i] + c, y8[i]+c*slope8[i], x8[i] + c, (y9[i])+c*slope9[i]);
  line(x8[i] + d, y8[i]+d*slope8[i], x8[i] + d, (y9[i])+d*slope9[i]);
 for (int i=0; i<numCircle; i++)
    float circumfrence = random(10,130);
    ellipse(random(circumfrence, testHeight-circumfrence), random(circumfrence, testHeight-circumfrence), circumfrence, circumfrence);
  click = false;

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