Luke Loeffler – Looking Outwards (Info Visualizations)

by luke @ 3:29 pm 24 January 2012

This amazing image was made from a super-long exposure by a pinhole camera facing the sun. You can see the summer and winter arcs as well as cloud cover and sunny days and the visualization has a special aura about it since it is purely the result of a physical process. More of these types of images are at

The Clock by Christian Marclay

In this film, Marclay cuts together all the scenes featuring a clock such that the time seen is the same as the current local time. It is an interesting way to visualize the appearance of various times of day in film.

Visualization through Photographic Collections

Often amusing, sometimes disturbing, features items the (predominantly male) readership carries on a daily basis.

“Women laughing alone with salad,” visualizing the atmosphere of stock photography purveyors and consumers through this common meme.



One last set of images… These photos blow my mind. They are long exposure photographs of a regular geometric shape projected on massive landscapes, revealing the underlying shape. (You really have to see these large to get it).

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.
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