Luci Laffitte – 13-9-65

by luci @ 10:25 am 24 January 2012

Below is a jpg captured from my interpretation of the 13-9-65 artwork.


This is the program running in real-time:


While working on this piece I went through many different methods of creating horizontal lines that I found to be accurate and appealing. Then, I proceeding the adding in the vertical lines and ellipses. Looking back, I wish I had considered the overall artwork earlier, because I found it difficult to work the vertical lines into the method I had chosen.

Overall, this project was a good jump back into coding.



Here is the code

//vectors and globals


PVector v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8;
int sizex=600;
int sizey=600;
float t;


void setup() {


void draw() {





void drawhorizontals() {

//draw horizontal lines

for (float i=0; i<height; i = i+ random(50,120)) {

float a= 0;
float var1= 0;
float var2= 40;

v1 = new PVector(0, a + random(var1,var2));
v2 = new PVector(.2*width, a + random(var1,var2));
v3 = new PVector(.4*width, a + random(var1,var2));
v4 = new PVector(.6*width, a + random(var1,var2));
v5 = new PVector(.8*width, a + random(var1,var2));
v6 = new PVector( width, a + random(var1,var2));

line(v1.x, v1.y+i, v2.x, v2.y+i);
line(v2.x, v2.y+i, v3.x, v3.y+i);
line(v3.x, v3.y+i, v4.x, v4.y+i);
line(v4.x, v4.y+i, v5.x, v5.y+i);
line(v5.x, v5.y+i, v6.x, v6.y+i);
//draw circles


int numCircles = int (random(4,12));

for (float k=0; k < numCircles;k= k + (random(0,100))){
int radius = int(random(10,70));
ellipse(random(radius,width-radius), random(radius,width-radius), radius, radius);

float xc = random(v1.x + radius, (v1.x+ width -radius));


//draw crossings

int vary = int(random(-10,10));
int vary2 = int(random(0,10));
int var3 = int (random (0,20));

line(v2.x + vary, v2.y + var3, v2.x + vary2, v3.y + vary2);
line(v1.x + vary, v1.y+i + var3, v1.x + vary2, v2.y+i + vary2);
line(v3.x + vary, v3.y+i + var3, v3.x + vary2, v4.y+i + vary2);
line(v4.x + vary, v4.y+i + var3, v4.x + vary2, v5.y+i + vary2);
line(v5.x + vary, v5.y+i + var3, v5.x + vary2, v6.y+i + vary2);

void mousePressed() {


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