Ju Young Park – LookingOutwards

by ju @ 6:16 am 24 January 2012




Lee Lee Nam is a South Korean Media Artist, who uses technology in order to create moving image arts. He tends to use already known images, especially Korean traditional drawings in his works. He makes small objects in famous paintings or drawings live by animating them around canvas of screen. He believes that video art could express imagination. I personally love his works, especially projects about traditional Asian folding screens. Currently, he holds over 200 exhibitions in areas like New York, Beijing, Germany, Washington, and etc. I hope him to make his  works more interactive with audience in such a way that viewers can interact with  his works by touching or sensing them.

One of my favorite projects of his is starting at 2:43 from the video.






Pillow Talk is a project created by a small company, Little Riot. It is an interactive design project that connects long distance lovers. Each person has a ring sensor they wear to bed at night, and a flat fabric panel which slots inside their pillowcase. The ring wirelessly communicates with the other person’s pillow; when one person goes to bed, their lover’s pillow begins to glow softly to indicate their presence. I find this project interesting since two different users in different locations could interact at the same time. I think it is attractive how this project goes beyond the concept of space. However, I still think the project has a lot to work on more. I think it could improve more if each person can write on each pillow and chat through the pillow while in bed. I personally find this way more interesting.

You can read more HERE 





Many people might already know this project, Sound Playground. I’ve already known this project, but I would like to post it anyway since I find this really interesting. Sound Playground is a musical interactive project by Aesthetec.  The project conveys hundred LEDs, touch sensors, and Ethernet controllers for museum application. The project allows audience to actively interact with technology and music. By just touching installations, audience can create unique rhythms, volumes, and melody.  The project itself interprets as a new form of musical instruments. I am interested in technology-music projects like this one, and I hope to create something alike Sound Playground in future.

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