I kind of approached this part of a project in a different way. Instead of trying to come up with an algorithm to derive the art piece, I decided to turn it into one derived from the user through the use of sound. Though it’s obviously not perfect and is missing a few vital components, it more or less kind of resembles the original 13/9/65.
import ddf.minim.*; import ddf.minim.signals.*; import ddf.minim.analysis.*; import ddf.minim.effects.*; Minim minim; AudioInput in; int y, barMic, micIn, count; float x; ArrayList underLine; void setup() { size(400, 400); // underLine = new ArrayList(); background(0); x = 0; y = 40; count = 0; minim = new Minim(this); in = minim.getLineIn(Minim.STEREO, 512); } void draw() { noFill(); strokeWeight(1); stroke(255); rectMode(CENTER); smooth(); followLine(); create(); println(micIn); frameRate(60); } void followLine() { //initialize mic input for (int i = 0; i width) { x = 0; y = y+40; if (y > height) { y = 0; x = 0; } } } } void create() { //float [] underLine = new float [500]; stroke(0); if (micIn > 200) { ellipse(x, y, micIn/5, micIn/5); } if (micIn > 15 && micIn 50 && micIn < 90) { line(x+random(-20, 20), y-20, x+random(-20, 20), y+20); } |
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