Heather Knight – Face OSC

by heather @ 2:05 am 24 January 2012

An antagonistic photon-cannon whose main directive is to cause damage to your eyesight.


Please enjoy my audio description. In a department where 50% of our funding comes from the military and some of our most exciting innovations are in the war zones, I decided to use FaceOSC to attack our own citizens. Technology can be used for good or evil, for suspicious or silly. Several of our drones have recently been reassigned from the Middle Easy to domestic skies in the name of law and order. Opensource software could easily bootstrap the development of creatively nefarious systems. Vigilance.

At first, I though I’d build this for real, using servo-motors to hone in on human faces and laser pointers to threaten mild damage. Then I fell victim to the playfulness of particle systems. The logo for this project would be a bullseye with a winking orb at the center, complete with luscious lashes.

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