
by blase @ 8:09 am 24 January 2012

I am an opera singer.

Actually, I’m about as far as you can get from an opera singer. Therefore, I used FaceOSC to let myself lipsync to an opera singer. I used a short sample of an opera singer that I took from the Free Music Archive (source: Vialka- Opera Brut) and made a series of files changing the pitch to be the notes of a major arpeggio (root, maj3, 5, 8va). With FaceOSC, I averaged the amount my two eyebrows were raised to control the pitch. Meanwhile, the extent to which my mouth was open dictated the volume. The audio was implemented using the ddf.minim Processing class, using a series of audioplayer objects to play the sound, varying the gain between -20 and 0 db to control the volume. In addition the color of the face turns redder the higher the pitch.

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