
by alex @ 7:40 pm 23 January 2012


///Alex Rothera 1/23/12
//Interactive Art and Computational Design
PVector v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7;
void setup() {
  size(800, 800);
void draw() {
  rect(0, 0, width, height);
  rect(1, 1, width-3, height-3);
  int overallHorz = floor(random(5, 10));  // # overall divisions
  float horizSpacing = height/overallHorz;  //horizontal spacing distance
  int horizDivisions = 8;
  PVector [] [] gridXY = new PVector[horizDivisions] [overallHorz];  //2D array to hold ref. points
  ///establish/store x and y
  for (int i=0; i<overallHorz; i++) {
    for (int j=0; j<horizDivisions; j++) {
      float tempY = (horizSpacing*i) + random(0, 40);
      float tempX;
      if (j==0)  
      else if (j==(horizDivisions-1))
      else {
        tempX = ((width/horizDivisions) * j) + random(-20, 20);
      v1 = new PVector(tempX, tempY);
      gridXY [j][i] =  v1;
  /////// //drawing lines (from gridXY points)//////////
  for (int m=0; m<overallHorz; m++) {
    for (int n=0; n<horizDivisions-1; n++) {
      v2 = new PVector();
      v2 = gridXY[n][m];
      v3 = new PVector();
      v3 = gridXY[n+1][m];
      line(v2.x, v2.y, v3.x, v3.y);
///////// //***drawing zigzags + straights  ***//////////////
  for (int y=0; y<overallHorz-1; y++) {       //for EVERY SECTOR
    for (int z=0; z<horizDivisions-1; z++) {
      v4 = new PVector(); 
      v5 = new PVector(); 
      v6 = new PVector(); 
      v7 = new PVector();
      v4 = gridXY[z][y];
      v5 = gridXY[z+1][y];
      v6 = gridXY[z][y+1];
      v7 = gridXY[z+1][y+1];
      float topSLOPE = (v4.y-v5.y)/(v4.x-v5.x);
      float bottomSLOPE = (v6.y-v7.y)/(v6.x-v7.x);
      //mx+b = y;
      float b1 = v4.y - (topSLOPE*v4.x);
      float b2 = v6.y - (bottomSLOPE*v6.x);
    //////choosing zigzags, straights, or none
      int decision = floor(random(0, 5));  
      //*zig zags*// 
      if (decision == 0) {  
        float numSlashes = random(8, 30);
        for (int g=0; g<numSlashes; g++) {
          float newX = (random(v4.x, v5.x));
          float newX2 = (random(v6.x, v7.x));
          float newY = (topSLOPE*newX) + b1;
          float newY2 = (bottomSLOPE*newX2) + b2;
          line(newX, newY, newX2, newY2);
      //*straight lines*//
      else if (decision == 1) {
        float numLines = random(5, 18);
        for (int h=0; h<numLines; h++) {
          float newX = (random(v4.x, v5.x));
          float newY = (topSLOPE*newX) + b1;
          float newY2 = (bottomSLOPE*newX) + b2;
          line(newX, newY, newX, newY2);
      //*blank area*//
      else {
  /******/  ////CIRCLES////////********///   
  int randCircles = floor(random(3, 11));
  for (int q=0; q<randCircles; q++) {
    float randRadius = random(2, 150);
    ellipse(random(0, width), random(0, height), randRadius, randRadius);

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(c) 2023 Interactive Art and Computational Design, Spring 2012 | powered by WordPress with Barecity