
by kelsey @ 3:51 am 23 January 2012

Using FaceOSC and Processing I wanted to create an interactive visualization showing the person’s movement about the frame. The Processing file parses the data from FaceOSC and focuses in on the mouth height and eyebrow/eye heights. When the mouth is open past a certain threshold, stars are generated on the canvas. Meanwhile, raising the eyebrows will change the color of the stars that are to be generated next. Scale is also taken into account, with the person being closer to the screen resulting in larger stars.

The circle on the canvas indicates where the stars will originate, and maps to the person’s nose position. Each star has a designated “life”, so that eventually they will dissipate, allowing screen space to be freed up, however until then they will bounce about the screen, rebounding off the bounds of the frame.

In version 2, I instead had a background fill that was partially transparent, allowing the stars’ trails to be evident however, eventually fading out after many semi-opaque layers pile up.

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