EliRosen – 13-9-65

by eli @ 10:27 am 22 January 2012

 * Program to recreate 13/9/65 by Frieder Nake
 * Creates a random drawing similar to Nake's drawing
int drawWidth = 600;
int drawHeight = 600;
float numCircles = random(6,10);
int numLines = 11;
int numVertices = 8;
// Create arrays to hold x, y coords
// holds x coords of the vertices
float[]x = new float[numVertices];
/* holds y coordinates of the vertices, where the first index refers to the vertical grid line it falls on (counted left to right)
 * and the second index refers to the zigzag line it belongs to (counted top to bottom)
float[][]y = new float[numVertices][numLines];
boolean[][]filled = new boolean[numVertices][numLines];
void setup()
  size(drawWidth, drawHeight);
  // sets minimum horizontal segment width
  int minSegmentWidth = 45;
  //set x position of vertices
  for(int i =1; i<numVertices-1; i++)
    // creates random horizontal segment widths (vertical grid lines)
    x[i] = ((drawWidth/(numVertices-1))*i) + random((((drawWidth/(numVertices-1))-minSegmentWidth)*-1), ((drawWidth/(numVertices-1))-minSegmentWidth));
  // bounds for random vertical offset from initial y value in zigzag line
  int vertBound = 45;
  //set y position of vertices
  //loop through all zigzag lines
  for(int iy = 0; iy < numLines; iy++)
    // loop through all vertical grid lines
    for(int ix = 0; ix < numVertices; ix++)
        y[ix][iy] = 0;
      else if(iy==numLines-1)
        y[ix][iy] = drawHeight;
        y[ix][iy] = ((drawHeight/(numLines-1))*iy) + random((((drawHeight/(numLines-1))-vertBound)*-1), (drawHeight/(numLines-1))-vertBound);
void draw()
  //Draw top line
  //draw bottom line
  //draw left line
  //draw right line
  // Draw all the zigzag lines
  //loop through all horizontal grid lines
  for(int iy = 1; iy < numLines; iy++)
    // loop through all vertical grid lines
    for(int ix = 1; ix < numVertices; ix++)
      //draw all the zig zag lines
      line(x[ix-1],y[ix-1][iy], x[ix],y[ix][iy]);
  //loop through all horizontal grid lines
  for(int iy = 1; iy < numLines; iy++)
    // loop through all vertical grid lines
    for(int ix = 1; ix < numVertices; ix++)
      //Draw the quadrilateral fills (this determines chance of getting any particular fill)
      int fillPick = int(random(0,12));
      // if fillPick is 0 do nothing
      // if fillPick is 1 then draw triangles
      if((fillPick < 3) && filled[ix][iy]==false)
        // whether to put the point of the triangle on the to or bottom of the quadrilateral
        int dirPick = int(random(1,3));
        // declare slope and intercept variables for bottom and top of quadrilateral
        float slope1=0;
        float intercept1=0;
        float slope2=0;
        float intercept2=0;
        // if dirPick is 1 then put the point of the triangle at the top
          // the slope of the top bound of the current quadrilateral
          slope1 = (y[ix-1][iy-1]- y[ix][iy-1])/(x[ix-1]-x[ix]);
          // the y intercept of the top bound
          intercept1 = y[ix-1][iy-1] - (slope1*x[ix-1]);
          // the slope of the bottom bound of the current quadrilateral
          slope2 = (y[ix-1][iy]- y[ix][iy])/(x[ix-1]-x[ix]);
          // the y intercept of the bottom bound of the current quadrilateral
          intercept2 = y[ix-1][iy] - (slope2*x[ix-1]);  
        // otherwise put the point at the bottom
          // the slope of the top bound of the current quadrilateral
          slope2 = (y[ix-1][iy-1]- y[ix][iy-1])/(x[ix-1]-x[ix]);
          // the y intercept of the top bound
          intercept2 = y[ix-1][iy-1] - (slope2*x[ix-1]);
          // the slope of the bottom bound of the current quadrilateral
          slope1 = (y[ix-1][iy]- y[ix][iy])/(x[ix-1]-x[ix]);
          // the y intercept of the bottom bound of the current quadrilateral
          intercept1 = y[ix-1][iy] - (slope1*x[ix-1]); 
        // the number of triangles to draw
        float numTriangles = random(5, 10);
        // loop through the number of triangles
        for(int i=0; i 2 && fillPick < 6) && filled[ix][iy]==false)
        // the slope of the top bound of the current quadrilateral
        float slope1 = (y[ix-1][iy-1]- y[ix][iy-1])/(x[ix-1]-x[ix]);
        // the y intercept of the top bound
        float intercept1 = y[ix-1][iy-1] - (slope1*x[ix-1]);
        // the slope of the bottom bound of the current quadrilateral
        float slope2 = (y[ix-1][iy]- y[ix][iy])/(x[ix-1]-x[ix]);
        // the y intercept of the bottom bound of the current quadrilateral
        float intercept2 = y[ix-1][iy] - (slope2*x[ix-1]);
       // the number of lines to draw
        float numLines = random(5, 15);
        // loop through the number of lines
        for(int i=0; i<numLines; i++)
          // get a random x in the current quadrilateral
          float randomX1 = random(x[ix-1],x[ix]);
          // get a random y based on the random x (so that it falls on one of the quadrilateral bounding lines)
          float randomY1 = (slope1*randomX1)+intercept1;
          // get a random y based on the random x (so that it falls on one of the quadrilateral bounding lines)
          float randomY2 = (slope2*randomX1)+intercept2;
          // draw a lines to from the top to the bottom bounding lines
          line(randomX1, randomY1, randomX1, randomY2);
      // if fillPick is 3 then draw straight lines down an extra row
      else if(fillPick == 6 && iy < numLines-1 && filled[ix][iy]==false)
        // the slope of the top bound of the current quadrilateral
        float slope1 = (y[ix-1][iy-1]- y[ix][iy-1])/(x[ix-1]-x[ix]);
        // the y intercept of the top bound
        float intercept1 = y[ix-1][iy-1] - (slope1*x[ix-1]);
        // the slope of the bottom bound of the current quadrilateral
        float slope2 = (y[ix-1][iy+1]- y[ix][iy+1])/(x[ix-1]-x[ix]);
        // the y intercept of the bottom bound of the current quadrilateral
        float intercept2 = y[ix-1][iy+1] - (slope2*x[ix-1]);
        // the number of lines to draw
        float numLines = random(5, 15);
        // loop through the number of lines
        for(int i=0; i<numLines; i++)
          // get a random x in the current quadrilateral
          float randomX1 = random(x[ix-1],x[ix]);
          // get a random y based on the random x (so that it falls on one of the quadrilateral bounding lines)
          float randomY1 = (slope1*randomX1)+intercept1;
          // get a random y based on the random x (so that it falls on one of the quadrilateral bounding lines)
          float randomY2 = (slope2*randomX1)+intercept2;
          // draw a lines to from the top to the bottom bounding lines
          line(randomX1, randomY1, randomX1, randomY2);
        // set the lower quadrilateral to filled
        filled[ix][iy+1] = true; 
  // Draw the circles
  for (int i = 0; i < numCircles; i++)
    // get a circle with a random circumference
    float circum = random(4, 100);
    // get the circle's radius
    float circRad = circum/2;
    // get the minimum x and y postion that would keep the circle in frame
    float minPos = 0+circRad;
    // get the maximum x and y position that would keep the circle in frame
    float maxPos = drawHeight-circRad;
    // draw the random circle
    ellipse(random(minPos, maxPos), random(minPos, maxPos), circum, circum);

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