Readings for Unit 5x:
- Brian Eno, ‘The Studio as Compositional Tool’ (21.6 Mb)
- Chapman & Chapman: Sound (Chapter 9) (64.7 Mb)
- Douglas Kahn: Reading from “Noise Water Meat” (39.6 Mb)
- Russolo, Luigi. The Art of Noises: Futurist Manifesto, 1913
- Varèse, Edgar. The Liberation of Sound, 1936
Demonstration sound files:
- Doug Wallin (North Carolina) (3.849 Mb)
- Leterel (Autechre) (6.554 Mb)
- The Big Payback (James Brown) (3.133 Mb)
Information about uploading your audio via SoundCloud
An alternative to SoundCloud is ‘ODEO’ (it seems to be more lightweight and faster)
Readings for Unit 3x:
- Modern Hieroglyphics (17MB)
- Vector Graphics Fundamentals (24MB)
- Martin Paetsch, “Van Gogh From the Sweatshop“. Spiegel Online, 08/23/2006.
- Clement Valla, “Chinese Oil Painting Factories“. Chapter 3 of “Original Copies”, RISD MFA Thesis, 2009.
Example images for Unit 3x:
From “InstructoArt” by Marcos Vescovo, and “Wordless Diagrams” by Nigel Holmes.
Also see Lufthansa’s For Your Safety air flight guide, here.
Black and Curly
People you trust with your children
Gay / Straight
Proclamation of One’s Own Attractiveness
How to Milk a Cow
How to Blow a Bubble
How to Roll a Joint
How to Cremate Someone
Readings and Exercises for Unit 2x:
Retouching Exercises:
- Improving Tone and Contrast:
- Working with Color:
- Image Repair: Scratches, Mold, Pimples
Compositing Exercise:
Collage a food item so as to appear as if it were a barge in the Danube.
- Readings about Truth in Digital Imaging:
- Farid, Hany. “Photo Tampering Throughout History“. Web site. An amazing chronological compilation of photo-tampering examples, and one of the best classroom resources of its kind.
- Farid, Hany. “Seeing Is Not Believing” IEEE Spectrum Magazine, 8/2009 (Link)
- Mitchell, William. “How to do Things with Pictures”. In The Reconfigured Eye: Visual Truth in the Post Photographic Era, MIT Press, 1992. pp 190-223 (Link)
- Mitchell, William. “When is Seeing Believing?”. In Scientific American, February 1994. pp 68-73 (Link)
- Paul, Christiane. “Digital Technologies as a Tool”. In Digital Art, 2004 (Link)
- Readings about Fashion Retouching:
- Collins, Lauren. “[The World of Fashion] Pixel Perfect: Pascal Dangin’s virtual reality.” The New Yorker, 5/12/2008.
- Jesella, Kara. “The Remix: The Skinny, Something To Smile About” The New York Times, 10/22/2006.
- Williams, Alex. “I Was there. Just Ask Photoshop.” The New York Times, 8/15/2008.
- Wilson, Eric. “Smile and Say No Photoshop“. The New York Times, 5/27/2009.