
by admin @ 11:36 pm 16 January 2012

Time: Tuesdays/Thursdays, 8:30am-11:30am
Location: CFA-111 (STUDIO for Creative Inquiry), and CFA-303
Course Numbers: 60-412 (Art), 62-726 (CFA), 51-482 (Design UG), 51-882 (Design G)

Instructor: Golan Levin (contact information)
Office Hours: T/Th afternoons, 1:30-5:00pm
Office Locations: CFA-111 (Studio for Creative Inquiry) or CFA-405 (office)
Teaching Assistants: Dan Wilcox (Art), Patrick Gage Kelley (SCS)


This is an advanced studio course in arts-computing and new media practice. Topics surveyed in the course will be tailored to student interests, and may include: experimental interface design, information visualization, game design, real-time audiovisuals, locative and mobile media, computational form-generation, image processing and vision-based interactions, augmented reality, simulation, networked crowd-sourcing, dynamic typography, mechatronic and device art, physical computing, and other topics. Through a small number of exploratory assignments and a public capstone project, students will bolster interdisciplinary problem-solving abilities and explore computation as a medium for curiosity-driven experimentation.

Enrolling students are expected to have demonstrable programming skills, without exception, at or beyond the level of an introductory class such as 15-110. Although the course will provide technical overviews of major arts-engineering toolkits (including Processing, Max/MSP/Jitter, openFrameworks, PureData, Cinder, and Arduino), assignments may be executed in the student’s preferred programming environment. Graduate students should register for section 51-482 (12 units), which meets with the undergraduate sections 60-412, 51-482, and 62-726 (10 units). Students lacking the programming skills for this course are encouraged to take Computing for the Arts with Processing with James Roberts (48-257, 60-257, 51-257, 51-757) and/or Computing for Live Performance with Max/MSP/Jitter with Eric Singer (54-521, 57-421, 60-421).

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