Book of Illustrations of Imaginary Creatures
My book is a book of procedurally generated illustrations of imaginary creatures. Every generated book is different, detailing different creatures from different islands. Each of them is titled “Fauna of <Island Name>”, and has a map of that island and illustrations of 50 creatures living on that island, along with their Latin names.
My main inspiration is the book Classic of Mountains and Seas from 4th century BC China. The book contains detailed description of hundreds of weird animals that probably didn’t exist, such as snake headed bird, and tiger with nine heads, and headless humanoid with nipples as its eyes and belly button as its mouth, etc. This book also has geographic description of mountains and rivers, and together they rendered a fantastic world of prehistoric China.
Another inspiration is zoological illustrations. They are usually very carefully drawn, detailing every hair and every feather. However, creatures in these illustrations usually have a stiff, deadpan and lifeless look. This contrast gives them a very peculiar aesthetic that I found interesting.
I started by making a general skeleton for my creatures. The skeleton consists of bones, and each bone object has only the following attributes:
- A pointer to its parent bone
- An array of pointer(s) to its child bone(s)
- Relative rotation to its parent bone
- Length of the bone
Thus the absolute position, rotation and other information of a bone can be calculated recursively. This proved to be a very versatile and robust data structure.
For every bone I defined an additional attribute: The thickness of flesh around it. This way we can get a rough outline of the animal. The thickness is alway perpendicular to the bone and calculated from the front end of the bone.
To make the outline look more organic, I first tried to apply a simple quadratic bezier curve on it. But the outline got smoothed so much that it looked like the animal was made of rubber hoses. Then I discovered the “Rational Bezier Curve”, which assigns a weight on each point. With it I’m able to make the outline just smooth enough.
Rational Bezier Curve (From Wikipedia)
Now that we’ve got the shape of the creature, we can wrap it with its fur. I used the following algorithm to calculate the direction of each hair.
Each hair is enclosed by two curves: One is the outline of the creature, and the other is the skeleton of the creature. There is a point on each of the two curves that is the closest to the hair. Therefore, the direction of the hair is a value between the derivatives of the two curves at these two points. So we have:
Angle of Hair = Tangent of First Curve * Distance to Second Curve/ Distance between First and Second Curve + Tangent of Second Curve * Distance to First Curve/ Distance between First and Second Curve
Then it becomes a simple matter of drawing lots and lots of hair and tweaking the hue and darkness based on the hair’s relative position.
Fur Pattern
I Designed three types of patterns: stripes, dots, and rings using a very simple algorithm.
For the stripes, I use mod on the coordinate of each hair to determine which color region it is in. For the dots and rings, I pre-generate a bunch of random points at the beginning of the program, and before drawing each hair, calculate its distance to each point to see if it’s in the radius.
I used Mitchell’s Best Candidate algorithm Golan showed us a few classes ago to generate the random points, so there’s minimal overlapping.
Feathers & Wings
Wings consists of feathers. Here’s my algorithm for a single feather:
Notice that the angle of the lines on each side of the shaft changes from one end to the other: It’s lerped from PI/4 to 0. Notice also that the length of the lines also changes: It’s enveloped with an ellipsoid function.
Feathers are then pasted onto the wing just like how fur was drawn onto the skin, with their colors, sizes, directions and shapes calculated based on their relative location to the outline and the skeleton.
Horns – A function that takes a curve and draw a horn shape bent along that curve. This is handy because claws, teeth, tongue can all use this function to draw.
Horse tail – A function that takes a curve and draws a bunch of curves that are similar to this curve. It calculates the tangent at each point on the curve, and randomize that angle using Perlin noise to generate the other curves.
Scale – reptilian scales are generated the same way fur is, except they’re orderly arranged regular polygons rather than random short lines.
I divided the types of creatures my program shall generate into three rough categories: mammals, fishes, birds, then randomized based on special features of these categories.
At first I used the simple random() function to create randomness. The result was chaotic. If the random range was large, I got a jumbled mess of fur and feathers across the screen; If I made the range smaller, I got identical creatures every time.
So I utilized Gaussian Randomness, which has normally distributed output values. I wrote a custom function that took a peak number and a minimum and maximum number and warps gaussian randomness to that range. Therefore for my generator, it is possible, for example, to have extremely long-necked and extremely short-necked animals, however most animals have not-too-long-and-not-too-short necks, which is realistic.
Pseudo-Latin Names
I generated a Latin name for each of my creature with a simple algorithm:
- Download a list of latin names for real animals from the web.
- Parse and split all the names into categorized lists of syllables, prefixes and suffixes.
- Grab a random prefix, grab a couple of random syllables, grab a random suffix.
- Boom! A pseudo-latin name.
At first I wanted to use a Markov chain word generator, but after playing with it I thought my own method would be more straightforward.
The Island
Now that I had my creatures complete, I wanted to make up a place for them to dwell in. First I made a place name generator similar to the latin name generator, then generated island maps using Perlin noises and filters.
At first I also wanted to have a brief description of each creature, along with information about where on the island the creature could be found. These eventually weren’t realized because I found that to write a really good implementation of these features would take days, and I didn’t want a crappy implementation to be next to my carefully generated creatures.
The part of organizing everything and putting them into the book form was rather easy; I used a Basil.js script to automate the process.
I’m actually a bit disappointed with the quality of the printed book. The colors aren’t accurate: The cream background becomes a greenish grey, and everything is darker than it’s supposed to be. Looking at it closely I find that my delicate lines are blurry. The paper and the binding are average. Given that it costs so much, I was expecting something of a much higher quality.
However, nobody else seems to notice, so probably it’s just me nitpicking.
I think this book project can be one in a series of projects or as a part of a larger project. For example, I can generate some weird plants and put them into a book called “Flora of <Island Name>” as a companion to this “Fauna of <Island Name>” book. I can also make a big book about an island, with information about its geography, landscape, animals and plants, climate, history, etc. Or maybe a even bigger book about an imaginary planet, or a bigger bigger book about an imaginary universe.
A page from the book
Github Link:
//Imaginary Creatures Generator
boolean debug = false;
boolean export = false;
void regpoly(float x, float y, float r, float n, float ro){
for (int i = 0; i < n; i ++){
float distsum(float[][] P){
float d = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < P.length-1; i++){
d += dist(P[i][0],P[i][1],P[i+1][0],P[i+1][1]);
return d;
float[] midpt(float[] p1,float[] p2){
return new float[] {(p1[0]+p2[0])/2,(p1[1]+p2[1])/2};
float[][] revpl(float[][] pl){
float[][] nl = new float[pl.length][pl[0].length];
for (int i = 0; i < pl.length; i++){
return nl;
float[][] bezmh(float[][] P){
int cpl = 0;
float[][] plist = new float[10000][2];
for (int j = 0; j < P.length-2; j++){
float[] p0;float[] p1;float[] p2;
if (j == 0){
p0 = P[j];
p0 = midpt(P[j],P[j+1]);
p1 = P[j+1];
if (j == P.length-3){
p2 = P[j+2];
p2 = midpt(P[j+1],P[j+2]);
float pl = distsum(new float[][]{p0,p1,p2});
for (int i = 0; i < pl; i+= 1){
float t = i/pl;
float w=2;
plist[cpl][0] = (pow(1-t,2)*p0[0]+2*t*(1-t)*p1[0]*w+t*t*p2[0])/(pow(1-t,2)+2*t*(1-t)*w+t*t);
plist[cpl][1] = (pow(1-t,2)*p0[1]+2*t*(1-t)*p1[1]*w+t*t*p2[1])/(pow(1-t,2)+2*t*(1-t)*w+t*t);
float[][] fplist = new float[cpl][2];
for (int i = 0; i < cpl; i+= 1){
fplist[i] = plist[i];
return fplist;
public class Limb{
Limb[] subs = new Limb[32];
int subslength = 0;
Limb par = null;
float l;
float tl1;
float tl2;
float a;
float[] alim = new float[2];
public Limb(float l){
this.l = l;
public Limb growlimb(float nl, float na){
Limb newlimb = new Limb(nl);
newlimb.par = this;
newlimb.a = na;
subs[subslength] = newlimb;
subslength ++;
return newlimb;
public float rot(){
if (par == null){
return a;
float la = par.rot();
float nl = la + a;
return nl;
public float[] loc(){
float r = rot();
if (par == null){
return new float[] {l * cos(r),-l * sin(r)};
float[] ll = par.loc();
return new float[] {ll[0] + l * cos(r), ll[1] - l*sin(r)};
public float[] tlloc(int n){
float[] lo = this.loc();
if (par == null){
if (n== 1){
return new float[] {lo[0]+tl1*cos(rot()-PI/2),lo[1]-tl1*sin(rot()-PI/2)};
} else if (n== 2){
return new float[] {lo[0]+tl2*cos(rot()+PI/2),lo[1]-tl2*sin(rot()+PI/2)};
lo = par.loc();
float ro = (rot()+par.rot()+PI)/2+PI;
if (n== 1){
return new float[] {lo[0]+par.tl1*cos(ro),lo[1]-par.tl1*sin(ro)};
} else if (n== 2){
return new float[] {lo[0]+par.tl2*cos(ro+PI),lo[1]-par.tl2*sin(ro+PI)};
return new float[2];
public float[] relcoord(float pr, float di){
float[] parloc;
float r = rot();
if (par == null){
parloc = new float[]{0,0};
parloc = par.loc();
return new float[]{parloc[0] + pr * l * cos(r) + di * cos(r+PI/2), parloc[1] - pr * l * sin(r) - di * sin(r+PI/2)};
public void bounds(float[] bd){
if (loc()[0] < bd[0]){bd[0] = loc()[0];} if (loc()[0] > bd[1]){bd[1] = loc()[0];}
if (loc()[1] < bd[2]){bd[2] = loc()[1];} if (loc()[1] > bd[3]){bd[3] = loc()[1];}
for (int i = 0; i < subslength; i++){
if (subs[i] != null){
public void flip(){
if (par != null){
a = -a;
a = PI-a;
for (int i = 0; i < subslength; i++){
if (subs[i] != null){
public void drawSkel(){
if (par != null){
for (int i = 0; i < subslength; i++){
if (subs[i] != null){
public void drawOline(){
if (par != null){
for (int i = 0; i < subslength; i++){
if (subs[i] != null){
public class Creature{
float x;
float y;
float[][] dotmap = new float [floor(random(200,800))][2];
float stpwd = random(20,100);
float[] stpcol = {random(100),random(30),random(10,40)};
Limb head; Limb jaw_u; Limb jaw_l; Limb neck;
Limb spine_a; Limb spine_b; Limb spine_c; Limb pelvis;
Limb tail_a; Limb tail_b; Limb tail_c; Limb tail_d;
Limb shoulder_l; Limb forethigh_l; Limb foreleg_l; Limb forepaw_l;
Limb midshould_l; Limb midthigh_l; Limb midleg_l; Limb midpaw_l;
Limb hip_l; Limb hindthigh_l; Limb hindleg_l; Limb hindpaw_l;
Limb wing_a_l; Limb wing_b_l; Limb wing_c_l;
Limb shoulder_r; Limb forethigh_r; Limb foreleg_r; Limb forepaw_r;
Limb midshould_r; Limb midthigh_r; Limb midleg_r; Limb midpaw_r;
Limb hip_r; Limb hindthigh_r; Limb hindleg_r; Limb hindpaw_r;
Limb wing_a_r; Limb wing_b_r; Limb wing_c_r;
Limb[] limbs;
public Creature(){
pelvis = new Limb(0);
spine_c = pelvis.growlimb(0,0);
spine_b = spine_c.growlimb(0,0);
spine_a = spine_b.growlimb(0,0);
neck = spine_a.growlimb(0,0);
head = neck.growlimb(0,0);
jaw_u = head.growlimb(0,0);
jaw_l = head.growlimb(0,0);
shoulder_l = spine_a.growlimb(0,0);
shoulder_r = spine_a.growlimb(0,0);
forethigh_l = shoulder_l.growlimb(0,0);
forethigh_r = shoulder_r.growlimb(0,0);
foreleg_l = forethigh_l.growlimb(0,0);
foreleg_r = forethigh_r.growlimb(0,0);
forepaw_l = foreleg_l.growlimb(0,0);
forepaw_r = foreleg_r.growlimb(0,0);
midshould_l = spine_b.growlimb(0,0);
midshould_r = spine_b.growlimb(0,0);
midthigh_l = midshould_l.growlimb(0,0);
midthigh_r = midshould_r.growlimb(0,0);
midleg_l = midthigh_l.growlimb(0,0);
midleg_r = midthigh_r.growlimb(0,0);
midpaw_l = midleg_l.growlimb(0,0);
midpaw_r = midleg_r.growlimb(0,0);
hip_l = pelvis.growlimb(0,0);
hip_r = pelvis.growlimb(0,0);
hindthigh_l = hip_l.growlimb(0,0);
hindthigh_r = hip_r.growlimb(0,0);
hindleg_l = hindthigh_l.growlimb(0,0);
hindleg_r = hindthigh_r.growlimb(0,0);
hindpaw_l = hindleg_l.growlimb(0,0);
hindpaw_r = hindleg_r.growlimb(0,0);
wing_a_l = spine_a.growlimb(0,0);
wing_a_r = spine_a.growlimb(0,0);
wing_b_l = wing_a_l.growlimb(0,0);
wing_b_r = wing_a_r.growlimb(0,0);
wing_c_l = wing_b_l.growlimb(0,0);
wing_c_r = wing_b_r.growlimb(0,0);
tail_a = pelvis.growlimb(0,0);
tail_b = tail_a.growlimb(0,0);
tail_c = tail_b.growlimb(0,0);
tail_d = tail_c.growlimb(0,0);
limbs = new Limb[] {pelvis,spine_c,spine_b,spine_a,neck,head,jaw_u,jaw_l,
void makedotmap(float s0, float s1){
for (int i = 0; i < dotmap.length; i ++){
float[][] cdd = new float[1000][2];
for (int j = 0; j < cdd.length; j++){
cdd[j] = new float[]{random(-width*0.2,width*1.2)-trans[0],random(-height*0.2,height*1.2)-trans[1],random(s0,s1)};
int maxind = 0;
float maxdist = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < cdd.length; j++){
float shortdist = width*height;
for (int k = 0; k < i; k++){
float cd = dist(cdd[j][0],cdd[j][1],dotmap[k][0],dotmap[k][1])-cdd[j][2]-cdd[k][2];
if (cd < shortdist){ shortdist = cd; } } if (shortdist > maxdist){
maxdist = shortdist;
maxind = j;
dotmap[i] = cdd[maxind];
public void feather(float len, float bw, float[] col){
for (int i = 0; i < len; i+=2){ float ang = PI/4*((len-i)/len);//+random(-0.5*PI/i,0.5*PI/i); float cl = bw*0.03*sqrt(pow(len/2,4)-pow(i-len/2,4)); stroke(col[0],col[1],lerp(min(col[2]+50,100),random(col[2],col[2]+50),i*1.0/len)); line(i,0,i+cl*cos(ang),0+cl*sin(ang)); stroke(col[0],col[1],lerp(min(col[2]+50,100),random(col[2],col[2]+50),i*1.0/len)); line(i,0,i+cl*cos(ang),0-cl*sin(ang)); } stroke(col[0],col[1],min(col[2],100)); line(0,0,len,0); } public void antler(float[] p0, float wd, float len, int depth){ if (depth > 0){
float[][] cur = bezmh(new float[][]{{p0[0],p0[1]},{p0[0]+len/2,random(len/6,len/3)},{p0[0]+len,p0[1]}});
hornnoil(cur,wd,new float[]{10,20,100});
for (int i = 0; i < len/40; i++){
int ri = floor(random(0,cur.length));
float[] rc = cur[ri];
float pp = 1.0*(cur.length-ri)/cur.length;
antler(new float[]{0,0},wd*pp,len*random(pp/2,pp),depth-1);
public void horn(float[][] cur,float bw){
for (int i = 0; i < cur.length-1; i++){ float tang = PI/2+atan2(cur[i+1][1]-cur[i][1],cur[i+1][0]-cur[i][0]); float cw =bw * (cur.length-i)/cur.length; vertex(cur[i][0]+cw*cos(tang),cur[i][1]+cw*sin(tang)); } for (int i = cur.length-1; i >0; i--){
float tang = PI/2+atan2(cur[i-1][1]-cur[i][1],cur[i-1][0]-cur[i][0]);
float cw = bw * (cur.length-i)/cur.length;
public void hornil(float[][] cur, float bw, float[] col){
for (float i = bw; i > 0; i--){
public void hornnoil(float[][] cur, float bw, float[] col){
for (int i = 0; i < cur.length-1; i++){
float tang = PI/2+atan2(cur[i+1][1]-cur[i][1],cur[i+1][0]-cur[i][0]);
float cw =(bw * (cur.length-i)/cur.length+1)*(0.4+1.1*noise(i*0.05));
for (int j = 0; j < cw*10; j++){
float rw = random(-1,1);
float rc = col[2]*0.4+random(col[2]*0.3*(1-abs(rw)),col[2]*1.2*(1-abs(rw)));
public void anyfill(String filltype, float[][] cur0, float[][] cur1, float[] coldat, float[] furdat, float[] patdat, int amount){
if (filltype == "fur"){
}else if (filltype == "scale"){
}else if (filltype == "feather"){
if (debug){
beginShape(); for (int i = 0; i < cur0.length; i++){
}endShape(); stroke(255,0,255);
beginShape(); for (int i = 0; i < cur1.length; i++){
public void furfill(float[][] cur0, float[][] cur1, float[] coldat, float[] furdat, float[] patdat, int amount){
int ml = min(cur0.length,cur1.length);
for (int i = 0; i < ml; i++){ float ca = atan2(cur1[i][1]-cur0[i][1],cur1[i][0]-cur0[i][0]); float cl = dist(cur0[i][0],cur0[i][1],cur1[i][0],cur1[i][1]); float d2e = min(i,ml-i)/ml; cl = cl*(1.0+d2e*(0.4-0.8*noise(0.005*i))); cur1[i][0] = cur0[i][0]+cl*cos(ca); cur1[i][1] = cur0[i][1]+cl*sin(ca); } strokeWeight(1); if (ml > 0){
for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++){
int ir = floor(random(0,min(cur0.length,cur1.length)-1));
float r = random(1);
float xr = floor(lerp(cur0[ir][0],cur1[ir][0],r));
float yr = floor(lerp(cur0[ir][1],cur1[ir][1],r));
float driv1 = atan2(cur1[ir+1][1]-cur1[ir][1],cur1[ir+1][0]-cur1[ir][0]);
float driv2 = atan2(cur0[ir+1][1]-cur0[ir][1],cur0[ir+1][0]-cur0[ir][0]);
float p = dist(xr,yr,cur1[ir][0],cur1[ir][1])/dist(cur0[ir][0],cur0[ir][1],cur1[ir+1][0],cur1[ir+1][1]);
float d = driv1*p+driv2*(1-p);
float dr = d+random(-PI*0.1,PI*0.1)+(1-p)*furdat[2];
if (patdat[0] == 1){
if (floor(xr/stpwd)%2 == 0){
}else if (patdat[0] == 2){
for (int j = 0; j < dotmap.length; j++){
if (dist(xr,yr,dotmap[j][0],dotmap[j][1])<dotmap[j][2]){
}else if (patdat[0] == 3){
for (int j = 0; j < dotmap.length; j++){
if (dist(xr,yr,dotmap[j][0],dotmap[j][1])<dotmap[j][2] && dist(xr,yr,dotmap[j][0],dotmap[j][1])>dotmap[j][2]/2){
float fl = furdat[0]+furdat[1]*noise(0.01*i);
public void furball(float x, float y,float r,float[] coldat){
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++){
public void scalefill(float[][] cur0, float[][] cur1, float[] coldat, float[] furdat, float[] patdat, int amount){
int ml = min(cur0.length,cur1.length);
for (int i = 0; i < ml; i++){
float ca = atan2(cur1[i][1]-cur0[i][1],cur1[i][0]-cur0[i][0]);
float cl = dist(cur0[i][0],cur0[i][1],cur1[i][0],cur1[i][1]);
float d2e = min(i,ml-i)/ml;
cl = cl*(1.0+d2e*(0.4-0.8*noise(0.005*i)));
cur1[i][0] = cur0[i][0]+cl*cos(ca);
cur1[i][1] = cur0[i][1]+cl*sin(ca);
amount = amount/20;
for (int i = 0; i < amount; i+=5){
int ir = floor(random(0,min(cur0.length,cur1.length)-1));
float cd = dist(cur0[ir][0],cur0[ir][1],cur1[ir][0],cur1[ir][1]);
for (int j = 0; j < cd; j+=5){
float r = random(1);
float xr = floor(lerp(cur0[ir][0],cur1[ir][0],r));
float yr = floor(lerp(cur0[ir][1],cur1[ir][1],r));
float driv1 = atan2(cur1[ir+1][1]-cur1[ir][1],cur1[ir+1][0]-cur1[ir][0]);
float driv2 = atan2(cur0[ir+1][1]-cur0[ir][1],cur0[ir+1][0]-cur0[ir][0]);
float p = dist(xr,yr,cur1[ir][0],cur1[ir][1])/dist(cur0[ir][0],cur0[ir][1],cur1[ir+1][0],cur1[ir+1][1]);
float d = driv1*p+driv2*(1-p);
float dr = d+random(-PI*0.1,PI*0.1)+(1-p)*furdat[2];
//dr = random(PI*2);
float[] col = new float[]{coldat[0]+p*coldat[1]+random(coldat[2]),coldat[3]+p*coldat[4]+random(coldat[5]),coldat[6]+p*coldat[7]+random(coldat[8])};
for (int i = 0; i < ml-1; i+=6){
int ir = i;//floor((i*1.0)/amount*(ml-1));//floor(random(0,min(cur0.length,cur1.length)-1));
float cd = dist(cur0[ir][0],cur0[ir][1],cur1[ir][0],cur1[ir][1]);
for (int j = 0; j < cd; j+=6){ float r = j/cd;//random(1); float xr = floor(lerp(cur0[ir][0],cur1[ir][0],r)); float yr = floor(lerp(cur0[ir][1],cur1[ir][1],r)); float driv1 = atan2(cur1[ir+1][1]-cur1[ir][1],cur1[ir+1][0]-cur1[ir][0]); float driv2 = atan2(cur0[ir+1][1]-cur0[ir][1],cur0[ir+1][0]-cur0[ir][0]); float p = dist(xr,yr,cur1[ir][0],cur1[ir][1])/dist(cur0[ir][0],cur0[ir][1],cur1[ir+1][0],cur1[ir+1][1]); float d = driv1*p+driv2*(1-p); float dr = d+random(-PI*0.1,PI*0.1)+(1-p)*furdat[2]; float[] col = new float[]{coldat[0]+p*coldat[1]+random(coldat[2]),coldat[3]+p*coldat[4]+random(coldat[5]),coldat[6]+p*coldat[7]+random(coldat[8])}; fill(col[0],col[1],col[2]); stroke(col[0],col[1]*0.8,col[2]*0.6); regpoly(xr,yr,6,5,dr); } } } public void featherfill(float[][] cur0, float[][] cur1, float[] coldat, float[] furdat, float[] patdat, int amount){ int ml = min(cur0.length,cur1.length); if (ml > 0){
float a0 = atan2(cur0[1][1]-cur0[0][1],cur0[1][0]-cur0[0][0])+PI/2;
float a1 = atan2(cur0[cur0.length-1][1]-cur0[cur0.length-2][1],cur0[cur0.length-1][0]-cur0[cur0.length-2][0]);
for (int k = 0; k <=4; k+=1){
for (float i = 1; i < ml-1; i*=1.05){
int ir = floor(i);
float cd = dist(cur0[ir][0],cur0[ir][1],cur1[ir][0],cur1[ir][1]);
float j = (4-k)*cd/4;
float r = j/cd;
float xr = floor(lerp(cur0[ir][0],cur1[ir][0],r));
float yr = floor(lerp(cur0[ir][1],cur1[ir][1],r));
feather(lerp(20,100,j/cd*(i*1.0)/ml+random(-0.1,0.1)),lerp(0.5,5,(cd-j)/cd*(ml-i)/ml),new float[]{coldat[0],coldat[3],pow(j/cd,0.9)*coldat[6]+random(20)*coldat[7]});
} }
public void featherfin(float[][] cur,float[] coldat){
for(int i = 0; i < cur.length-1; i++){
float tng = atan2(cur[i+1][1]-cur[i][1],cur[i+1][0]-cur[i][0]);
feather(100,0.1,new float[]{coldat[0],coldat[3],pow(0.5,0.9)*coldat[6]+random(20)});
public void feathertail(float[][] cur, float[] coldat){
for(float j = 1; j < cur.length-1; j=j*1.5){
int i = floor(j);
float tng = atan2(cur[i+1][1]-cur[i][1],cur[i+1][0]-cur[i][0]);
for (float k = 0; k < 1; k++){
feather(lerp(50,200,j/cur.length),lerp(0.5,0.001,j/cur.length),new float[]{coldat[0],coldat[3],pow(0.5,0.9)*coldat[6]+random(20)});
public void drawfeathertail(float[] coldat){
feathertail(bezmh(new float[][]{pelvis.loc(),tail_a.loc(),tail_b.loc(),tail_c.loc()}),coldat);
public void draweye(float pr,float di, float rad,float[] col1, float[] col2, float[] coldat, float[] furdat, float[]patdat){
float[] p1;
p1 = head.relcoord(pr,di);//0.75,-25
for (float i = 0; i < PI*2; i+=PI*0.1){
float rr = random(rad*0.4);
for (float i = 0; i < PI*2; i+=PI*0.2){
bezmh(new float[][]{head.relcoord(pr+0.45,di),head.relcoord(pr+0.05,di-rad+min(rad,13)),head.relcoord(pr-0.25,di+5)}),
bezmh(new float[][]{head.relcoord(pr+0.45,di),head.relcoord(pr+0.04,di-rad-5),head.relcoord(pr-0.25,di+5)}),
coldat,new float[]{furdat[0]/3,furdat[1]/3,furdat[2]},patdat,floor(furdat[3]/100));
bezmh(new float[][]{head.relcoord(pr+0.45,di),head.relcoord(pr+0.25,di+rad-min(22,rad)),head.relcoord(pr-0.05,di+rad-min(10,rad)),head.relcoord(pr-0.25,di+5)}),
bezmh(new float[][]{head.relcoord(pr+0.45,di),head.relcoord(pr-0.05,di+rad),head.relcoord(pr-0.25,di+5)}),
coldat,new float[]{furdat[0]/3,furdat[1]/3,furdat[2]},patdat,floor(furdat[3]/100));
public void drawclaw(Limb leg, Limb paw, float size, float bend, float[] col, float[] coldat, float[] furdat, float[] patdat){
hornil(bezmh(new float[][]{paw.relcoord(1.0,-2),paw.relcoord((size+1)/2,-bend-4),paw.relcoord(size,-5)}),4,col);
hornil(bezmh(new float[][]{paw.relcoord(1.0,0),paw.relcoord((size+1)/2,-bend),paw.relcoord(size,0)}),4,col);
hornil(bezmh(new float[][]{paw.relcoord(1.0,2),paw.relcoord((size+1)/2,-bend+4),paw.relcoord(size,5)}),4,col);
bezmh(new float[][]{paw.relcoord(0.8,0),paw.loc(),paw.relcoord(0.8,0)}),
bezmh(new float[][]{paw.relcoord(0.8,0),paw.relcoord(1.0,5),paw.relcoord(1.0,-15),paw.relcoord(0.8,0)}),
coldat,new float[]{furdat[0]/3,furdat[1]/3,furdat[2]},patdat,floor(furdat[3]));
public void drawear(float wd, float ht, float[] incol, float[] coldat,float[] furdat, float[] patdat){
float b = -neck.tl1/2;
bezmh(new float[][]{neck.loc(),neck.relcoord(1.0,b-ht),neck.loc()}),
bezmh(new float[][]{neck.relcoord(1+wd,0),neck.relcoord(1.0,b-ht-20),neck.relcoord(1-wd,0)}),
bezmh(new float[][]{neck.relcoord(1,b-ht/6),neck.relcoord(1.0,b-ht/2),neck.relcoord(1,b-ht/6)}),
bezmh(new float[][]{neck.relcoord(1+wd/3,b-ht/4),neck.relcoord(1.0,b-ht),neck.relcoord(1-wd/3,b-ht/4)}),
incol,furdat,new float[]{0},floor(furdat[3]/100)) ;
public void drawteeth(float wd, float ht, float[] col){
for (float i = jaw_u.l*0.2; i < jaw_u.l*0.8; i+=wd){
hornil(bezmh(new float[][]{jaw_u.relcoord(i/jaw_u.l,0),jaw_u.relcoord(i/jaw_u.l,ht),jaw_u.relcoord(i/jaw_u.l,ht+ht*4*noise(i*0.1))}),
for (float i = jaw_l.l*0.2; i < jaw_l.l*0.8; i+=wd){
hornil(bezmh(new float[][]{jaw_l.relcoord(i/jaw_l.l,0),jaw_l.relcoord(i/jaw_l.l,-ht),jaw_l.relcoord(i/jaw_l.l,-ht-ht*10*noise(i*0.1))}),
public void drawtusk(float wd, float ht, float un, float ln, float[] col){
for (float ii = 0; ii < un; ii+=1){
float i = random(jaw_u.l*0.5,jaw_u.l*0.9);
hornnoil(bezmh(new float[][]{jaw_u.relcoord(i/jaw_u.l,0),jaw_u.relcoord(i/jaw_u.l,ht),jaw_u.relcoord(i/jaw_u.l,ht+ht*4*noise(i*0.1))}),
for (float ii = 0; ii < ln; ii+=1){
float i = random(jaw_l.l*0.5,jaw_l.l*0.9);
hornnoil(bezmh(new float[][]{jaw_l.relcoord(i/jaw_l.l,0),jaw_l.relcoord(i/jaw_l.l,-ht),jaw_l.relcoord(i/jaw_l.l,-ht-ht*10*noise(i*0.1))}),
public void drawhorsetail(float[] coldat){
float[][] cur = bezmh(new float[][]{pelvis.loc(),tail_a.loc(),tail_b.loc(),tail_c.loc()});
for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++){
float[] lastp = new float[]{cur[0][0],cur[0][1]};
float rl = random(1);
for (int j = 1; j < cur.length*rl; j++){
float dis = dist(cur[j][0],cur[j][1],cur[j-1][0],cur[j-1][1]);
float ang = atan2(cur[j][1]-cur[j-1][1],cur[j][0]-cur[j-1][0]);
float nz = noise(i,j*0.01)*2-1;
lastp = new float[]{lastp[0]+dis*cos(ang+nz*PI/6),lastp[1]+dis*sin(ang+nz*PI/6)};
public void fishtail(float[][]cur0, float[][]cur1,float[] coldat){
float sp = cur1.length*1.0/cur0.length;
for (int i = 1; i < cur0.length; i++){
for (int j = 0; j <= sp; j++){
int ji = floor(i*sp+j);
if (ji < cur1.length && ji >= 0){
for (int i = 0; i < cur0.length; i++){
for (int j = 0; j <= sp; j++){
int ji = floor(i*sp+j);
if (ji < cur1.length && ji >= 0){
float[] nc = new float[]{cur1[ji][0]+random(-5,5),cur1[ji][1]+random(-5,5)};
float di = dist(cur0[i][0],cur0[i][1],nc[0],nc[1]);
float lp = random(-1,1);
for (int k = 0; k <= di; k+=5){ float lp2 = random(-1,1); line(k,lp,k+5,lp+lp2); lp = lp + lp2; } popMatrix(); } } } } public void drawfeatherfin(float[] coldat){ featherfin(bezmh(new float[][]{pelvis.loc(),tail_a.loc(),tail_b.loc(),tail_c.loc()}),coldat); } public void drawfin_l(float[] coldat){ featherfin(bezmh(new float[][]{spine_a.loc(),forethigh_l.loc(),forethigh_l.loc()}),coldat); } public void drawfin_r(float[] coldat){ featherfin(bezmh(new float[][]{spine_a.loc(),forethigh_r.loc(),forethigh_r.loc()}),coldat); } public void drawmidfin_l(float[] coldat){ featherfin(bezmh(new float[][]{spine_b.loc(),midthigh_l.loc(),midthigh_l.loc()}),coldat); } public void drawmidfin_r(float[] coldat){ featherfin(bezmh(new float[][]{spine_b.loc(),midthigh_r.loc(),midthigh_r.loc()}),coldat); } public void drawwing(Limb wing_a, Limb wing_b, Limb wing_c, float[] coldat){ scalefill( bezmh(new float[][]{wing_a.relcoord(0,0),wing_a.loc(),wing_b.loc(),wing_c.relcoord(0.7,0)}), bezmh(new float[][]{wing_a.relcoord(0,-40),wing_b.tlloc(1),wing_c.tlloc(1),wing_c.relcoord(0.7,0)}), new float[]{10,5,0,10,10,0,30,10,10},new float[]{6,8,0},new float[]{2},10); featherfill( bezmh(new float[][]{wing_a.relcoord(0,0),wing_a.loc(),wing_b.loc(),wing_c.loc()}), bezmh(new float[][]{wing_a.relcoord(0,-40),wing_b.tlloc(1),wing_c.tlloc(1),wing_c.loc()}), coldat,new float[]{6,8,0},new float[]{2},10); } public void drawtongue(int len){ if (len > 0){
float[][] cur = new float[len][2];
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++){ cur[i] = head.relcoord(1+i*0.2,random(10)*i/len); } hornil(bezmh(cur),10,new float[]{0,100,50}); } } public void drawhorn(float wd, float ht, float[]col){ hornnoil(bezmh(new float[][]{head.relcoord(1.0,0),head.relcoord(1.0,-ht/2),head.relcoord(0.5,-ht)}), wd,col); } public void drawbeak(float[] col){ c.hornil(bezmh(new float[][]{c.head.loc(),c.jaw_u.relcoord(0.5,-random(30)),c.jaw_u.loc()}),c.head.tl1/3,col); c.hornil(bezmh(new float[][]{c.head.loc(),c.jaw_l.relcoord(0.5,-random(30)),c.jaw_l.loc()}),c.head.tl2/3,col); } public void drawback(String filltype, float[] coldat, float[] furdat, float[] patdat){ anyfill(filltype, bezmh(new float[][]{neck.loc(),spine_a.loc(),spine_b.loc(),spine_c.loc(),pelvis.loc(),tail_a.loc(),tail_b.loc(),tail_c.loc()}), bezmh(new float[][]{head.tlloc(1),neck.tlloc(1),spine_a.tlloc(1),spine_b.tlloc(1),pelvis.tlloc(2),tail_b.tlloc(2),tail_c.tlloc(2),tail_c.loc()}), coldat,furdat,patdat,floor(furdat[3])); } public void drawbacknotail(String filltype, float[] coldat, float[] furdat, float[] patdat){ anyfill(filltype, bezmh(new float[][]{neck.loc(),spine_a.loc(),spine_b.loc(),spine_c.loc(),pelvis.loc(),tail_a.loc()}), bezmh(new float[][]{head.tlloc(1),neck.tlloc(1),spine_a.tlloc(1),spine_b.tlloc(1),pelvis.tlloc(2),tail_a.loc()}), coldat,furdat,patdat,floor(furdat[3])); } public void drawbelly(String filltype, float[] coldat, float[] furdat, float[] patdat){ anyfill(filltype, bezmh(new float[][]{neck.loc(),spine_b.loc(),spine_c.loc(),pelvis.loc(),tail_a.loc()}), bezmh(new float[][]{neck.loc(),forethigh_l.relcoord(0.5,0),spine_a.tlloc(2),spine_b.tlloc(2),midpt(hip_l.loc(),hindthigh_l.loc())}), coldat,new float[]{furdat[0]*2,furdat[1],furdat[2]+PI/3},patdat,floor(furdat[3])); } public void drawforeleg_l(String filltype, float[] coldat, float[] furdat, float[] patdat){ anyfill(filltype, bezmh(new float[][]{forepaw_l.loc(),foreleg_l.loc(),forethigh_l.loc(),shoulder_l.loc(),spine_a.loc(),neck.loc()}), bezmh(new float[][]{forepaw_l.loc(),forepaw_l.tlloc(1),foreleg_l.tlloc(1),forethigh_l.tlloc(1),head.tlloc(2)}), coldat,furdat,patdat,floor(furdat[3])); anyfill(filltype, bezmh(new float[][]{forepaw_l.loc(),foreleg_l.loc(),forethigh_l.loc(),shoulder_l.loc(),neck.loc(),spine_a.loc()}), bezmh(new float[][]{forepaw_l.loc(),forepaw_l.tlloc(2),foreleg_l.tlloc(2),forethigh_l.tlloc(2),spine_a.loc()}), coldat,furdat,patdat,floor(furdat[3])); } public void drawforeleg_r(String filltype, float[] coldat, float[] furdat, float[] patdat){ float[] nc = new float[coldat.length]; arrayCopy(coldat,nc); nc[6] = nc[6]/3; nc[7] = nc[7]/3; nc[8] = nc[8]/3; anyfill(filltype, bezmh(new float[][]{forepaw_r.loc(),foreleg_r.loc(),forethigh_r.loc(),shoulder_r.loc(),spine_a.loc(),neck.loc()}), bezmh(new float[][]{forepaw_r.loc(),forepaw_r.tlloc(1),foreleg_r.tlloc(1),forethigh_r.tlloc(1),head.tlloc(2)}), nc,furdat,patdat,floor(furdat[3])); anyfill(filltype, bezmh(new float[][]{forepaw_r.loc(),foreleg_r.loc(),forethigh_r.loc(),shoulder_r.loc(),neck.loc(),spine_b.loc()}), bezmh(new float[][]{forepaw_r.loc(),forepaw_r.tlloc(2),foreleg_r.tlloc(2),forethigh_r.tlloc(2),spine_b.loc()}), nc,furdat,patdat,floor(furdat[3])); } public void drawmidleg_r(String filltype, float[] coldat, float[] furdat, float[] patdat){ float[] nc = new float[coldat.length]; arrayCopy(coldat,nc); nc[6] = nc[6]/3; nc[7] = nc[7]/3; nc[8] = nc[8]/3; anyfill(filltype, bezmh(new float[][]{midpaw_r.loc(),midleg_r.loc(),midthigh_r.loc(),midshould_r.loc(),spine_b.loc()}), bezmh(new float[][]{midpaw_r.loc(),midpaw_r.tlloc(1),midleg_r.tlloc(1),midthigh_r.tlloc(1),spine_b.loc()}), nc,furdat,patdat,floor(furdat[3])); anyfill(filltype, bezmh(new float[][]{midpaw_r.loc(),midleg_r.loc(),midthigh_r.loc(),midshould_r.loc(),spine_c.loc()}), bezmh(new float[][]{midpaw_r.loc(),midpaw_r.tlloc(2),midleg_r.tlloc(2),midthigh_r.tlloc(2),spine_c.loc()}), nc,furdat,patdat,floor(furdat[3])); } public void drawmidleg_l(String filltype, float[] coldat, float[] furdat, float[] patdat){ anyfill(filltype, bezmh(new float[][]{midpaw_l.loc(),midleg_l.loc(),midthigh_l.loc(),midshould_l.loc(),spine_b.loc()}), bezmh(new float[][]{midpaw_l.loc(),midpaw_l.tlloc(1),midleg_l.tlloc(1),midthigh_l.tlloc(1),spine_b.loc()}), coldat,furdat,patdat,floor(furdat[3])); anyfill(filltype, bezmh(new float[][]{midpaw_l.loc(),midleg_l.loc(),midthigh_l.loc(),midshould_l.loc(),spine_c.loc()}), bezmh(new float[][]{midpaw_l.loc(),midpaw_l.tlloc(2),midleg_l.tlloc(2),midthigh_l.tlloc(2),spine_c.loc()}), coldat,furdat,patdat,floor(furdat[3])); } public void drawhindleg_l(String filltype, float[] coldat, float[] furdat, float[] patdat){ anyfill(filltype, bezmh(new float[][]{hindpaw_l.loc(),hindleg_l.loc(),hindthigh_l.loc(),hip_l.loc(),pelvis.loc(),tail_a.loc(),tail_b.loc(),tail_c.loc()}), bezmh(new float[][]{hindpaw_l.loc(),hindpaw_l.tlloc(2),hindleg_l.tlloc(2),hindthigh_l.tlloc(2),pelvis.loc(),tail_b.tlloc(1),tail_c.tlloc(1),tail_c.loc()}), coldat,furdat,patdat,floor(furdat[3])); anyfill(filltype, bezmh(new float[][]{pelvis.loc(),hip_l.loc(),hindthigh_l.loc(),hindleg_l.loc(),hindpaw_l.loc()}), bezmh(new float[][]{spine_c.tlloc(2),hindthigh_l.tlloc(1),hindleg_l.tlloc(1),hindpaw_l.tlloc(1),hindpaw_l.loc()}), coldat,furdat,patdat,floor(furdat[3])); } public void drawhindlegnotail_l(String filltype, float[] coldat, float[] furdat, float[] patdat){ anyfill(filltype, bezmh(new float[][]{hindpaw_l.loc(),hindleg_l.loc(),hindthigh_l.loc(),hip_l.loc(),pelvis.loc()}), bezmh(new float[][]{hindpaw_l.loc(),hindpaw_l.tlloc(2),hindleg_l.tlloc(2),hindthigh_l.tlloc(2),pelvis.loc()}), coldat,furdat,patdat,floor(furdat[3])); anyfill(filltype, bezmh(new float[][]{pelvis.loc(),hip_l.loc(),hindthigh_l.loc(),hindleg_l.loc(),hindpaw_l.loc()}), bezmh(new float[][]{spine_c.tlloc(2),hindthigh_l.tlloc(1),hindleg_l.tlloc(1),hindpaw_l.tlloc(1),hindpaw_l.loc()}), coldat,furdat,patdat,floor(furdat[3])); } public void drawhindleg_r(String filltype, float[] coldat, float[] furdat, float[] patdat){ float[] nc = new float[coldat.length]; arrayCopy(coldat,nc); nc[6] = nc[6]/3; nc[7] = nc[7]/3; nc[8] = nc[8]/3; anyfill(filltype, bezmh(new float[][]{hindpaw_r.loc(),hindleg_r.loc(),hindthigh_r.loc(),hip_r.loc(),pelvis.loc()}), bezmh(new float[][]{hindpaw_r.loc(),hindpaw_r.tlloc(2),hindleg_r.tlloc(2),hindthigh_r.tlloc(2),pelvis.loc()}), nc,furdat,patdat,floor(furdat[3])); anyfill(filltype, bezmh(new float[][]{pelvis.loc(),hip_r.loc(),hindthigh_r.loc(),hindleg_r.loc(),hindpaw_r.loc()}), bezmh(new float[][]{spine_c.tlloc(2),hindthigh_r.tlloc(1),hindleg_r.tlloc(1),hindpaw_r.tlloc(1),hindpaw_r.loc()}), nc,furdat,patdat,floor(furdat[3])); } public void drawhead(String filltype, float[] coldat, float[] furdat, float[] patdat){ anyfill(filltype, bezmh(new float[][]{spine_a.loc(),neck.loc(),head.loc(),jaw_l.loc(),head.loc(),jaw_u.loc(),head.loc(),neck.loc(),spine_a.loc()}), bezmh(new float[][]{forethigh_l.tlloc(2),head.tlloc(2),jaw_l.tlloc(2),jaw_l.loc(),head.loc(),jaw_u.loc(),jaw_u.tlloc(1),head.tlloc(1),neck.tlloc(1)}), coldat,furdat,patdat,floor(furdat[3])); } public void drawbirdhead(String filltype, float[] coldat, float[] furdat, float[] patdat){ anyfill(filltype, bezmh(new float[][]{spine_a.loc(),neck.loc(),head.loc(),jaw_l.relcoord(0.5,0),head.loc(),jaw_u.relcoord(0.5,0),head.loc(),neck.loc(),spine_a.loc()}), bezmh(new float[][]{forethigh_l.tlloc(2),head.tlloc(2),jaw_l.tlloc(2),jaw_l.relcoord(0.5,0),head.loc(),jaw_u.relcoord(0.5,0),jaw_u.tlloc(1),head.tlloc(1),neck.tlloc(1)}), coldat,furdat,patdat,floor(furdat[3])); } public void drawantler(float[] coldat){ pushMatrix(); translate(neck.loc()[0]-10,neck.loc()[1]-30); rotate(-PI/4); antler(new float[] {0,0},5,200,3); popMatrix(); furball(neck.loc()[0]-10,neck.loc()[1]-30,10,coldat); } } float choice(float a,float b){ if (random(1) > 0.5){
return a;
return b;
float rg(float x, float xmin, float xmax){
if (random(xmin,xmax) < x){
return x-abs(randomGaussian()*(x-xmin)/2);
return x+abs(randomGaussian()*(xmax-x)/2);
float rtg(float x, float xmin, float xmax){
if (random(xmin,xmax) < x){
return x-abs(randomGaussian()*(x-xmin)/5);
return x+abs(randomGaussian()*(xmax-x)/5);
float[] dark(float[] col){
return new float[] {col[0],col[1],col[2],col[3],col[4],col[5],col[6]/2.2,col[7]/2.2,col[8]/2.2};
public int maind(float[] arr){
int ind = 0;
float ma = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++){ if (arr[i]>ma){
ind = i;
ma = arr[i];
return ind;
public class Generator{
Creature c;
float[] col;
float[] fur;
float[] pat;
float[] bonecol;
float[] feathercol;
float[] fincol;
float[] scalecol;
String filltype;
float sixleg = floor(random(4));
float[] ctype;
float patstyle = floor(random(4));
float tailstyle = floor(random(3));
float hoofy = (random(1));
float clawsize = rg(2,1,2.5);
float clawbend = rg(5,0,20);
float eyehue = random(70);
float winged = random(1);
public Generator(){
float a = random(7);
float b = random(4);
float c = random(4);
ctype = new float[]{a/(a+b+c),b/(a+b+c),c/(a+b+c)};
public void gen(){
c = new Creature();
if (patstyle == 0){
if (random(1) > 0.2){
filltype = "fur";
filltype = "scale";
c.pelvis.tl1 = rg(50,30,100);
c.pelvis.tl2 = rg(50,30,100);
c.spine_c.l = rg(100,10,200);
c.spine_c.a = rtg(0.9*PI,0.6*PI,1.2*PI);
c.spine_c.tl1 = rg(20,5,50);
c.spine_c.tl2 = rg(100,10,200);
c.spine_b.l = rg(100,10,300);
c.spine_b.a = rtg(0.1*PI,-0.5*PI,0.5*PI);
c.spine_b.tl1 = rg(50,10,100);
c.spine_b.tl2 = rg(100,10,200);
c.spine_a.l = rg(100,10,300);
c.spine_a.a = rtg(0.1*PI,-0.5*PI,0.5*PI);
c.spine_a.tl1 = rg(50,10,100);
c.spine_a.tl2 = rg(50,10,100);
c.neck.l = rg(50,0,200);
c.neck.a = rtg(-0.3*PI,-0.5*PI,-0.0*PI);
c.neck.tl1 = rg(40,0,60);
c.neck.tl2 = rg(40,0,60);
c.head.l = rg(80,0,200);
c.head.a = rtg(0.1*PI,-0.5*PI,0.5*PI);
c.head.tl1 = rg(60,10,100);
c.head.tl2 = rg(30,10,100);
c.jaw_u.l = rg(80,10,250);
c.jaw_u.a = rtg(-0.1*PI,-0.4*PI,0.0*PI);
c.jaw_l.l = rg(80,10,250);
c.jaw_l.a = rtg(0.1*PI,0.0*PI,0.4*PI);
c.shoulder_l.l = rg(20,10,100);
c.shoulder_r.l = c.shoulder_l.l;
c.shoulder_l.a = rtg(0.2*PI,-0.1*PI,0.6*PI);
c.shoulder_r.a = c.shoulder_l.a + rtg(0,-PI*0.5,PI*0.5);
c.shoulder_l.tl1 = rg(10,0,80);
c.shoulder_l.tl2 = rg(50,10,150);
c.shoulder_r.tl1 = c.shoulder_l.tl1;
c.shoulder_r.tl2 = c.shoulder_l.tl2;
c.forethigh_l.l = rg(100,20,200);
c.forethigh_r.l = c.forethigh_l.l;
c.forethigh_l.a = rtg(0.4*PI,0.2*PI,0.6*PI);
c.forethigh_r.a = c.forethigh_l.a + rtg(0,-PI*0.5,PI*0.5);
c.forethigh_l.tl1 = c.shoulder_l.tl1 * rg(0.8,0,1);
c.forethigh_l.tl2 = c.shoulder_l.tl2 * rg(0.8,0,1);;
c.forethigh_r.tl1 = c.forethigh_l.tl1;
c.forethigh_r.tl2 = c.forethigh_l.tl2;
c.foreleg_l.l = c.forethigh_l.l*rtg(1,0,2);
c.foreleg_r.l = c.foreleg_l.l;
c.foreleg_l.a = rtg(-0.5*PI,-0.7*PI,-0.3*PI);
c.foreleg_r.a = c.foreleg_l.a + rtg(0,-PI*0.5,PI*0.5);
c.foreleg_l.tl1 = c.forethigh_l.tl1 * rg(0.8,0,1);
c.foreleg_l.tl2 = c.forethigh_l.tl2 * rg(0.8,0,1);
c.foreleg_r.tl1 = c.foreleg_l.tl1;
c.foreleg_r.tl2 = c.foreleg_l.tl2;
if (hoofy < 0.3){
c.forepaw_l.l = c.foreleg_l.l*rtg(0.5,0,1);
c.forepaw_r.l = c.forepaw_l.l;
c.forepaw_l.a = rtg(-0.2*PI,-0.7*PI,0.3*PI);
c.forepaw_r.a = c.forepaw_l.a + rtg(0,-PI*0.5,PI*0.5);
c.forepaw_l.l = c.foreleg_l.l*rtg(1,0,2);
c.forepaw_r.l = c.forepaw_l.l;
c.forepaw_l.a = rtg(0.3*PI,0.0*PI,0.8*PI);
c.forepaw_r.a = c.forepaw_l.a + rtg(0,-PI*0.5,PI*0.5);
if (sixleg == 1){
c.midshould_l.l = c.shoulder_l.l * rtg(1,0.8,1.1);
c.midshould_r.l = c.midshould_l.l;
c.midshould_l.a = rtg(0.5*PI,-0.1*PI,0.6*PI);
c.midshould_r.a = c.midshould_l.a + rtg(0,-PI*0.5,PI*0.5);
c.midshould_l.tl1 = c.shoulder_l.tl1 * rtg(1,0.8,1.1);
c.midshould_l.tl2 = c.shoulder_l.tl2 * rtg(1,0.8,1.1);
c.midshould_r.tl1 = c.midshould_l.tl1;
c.midshould_r.tl2 = c.midshould_l.tl2;
c.midthigh_l.l = c.forethigh_l.l * rtg(1,0.8,1.1);
c.midthigh_r.l = c.midthigh_l.l;
c.midthigh_l.a = rtg(0.4*PI,0.2*PI,0.6*PI);
c.midthigh_r.a = c.midthigh_l.a + rtg(0,-PI*0.5,PI*0.5);
c.midthigh_l.tl1 = c.midshould_l.tl1 * rg(0.8,0,1);
c.midthigh_l.tl2 = c.midshould_l.tl2 * rg(0.8,0,1);;
c.midthigh_r.tl1 = c.midthigh_l.tl1;
c.midthigh_r.tl2 = c.midthigh_l.tl2;
c.midleg_l.l = c.foreleg_l.l * rtg(1,0.8,1.1);
c.midleg_r.l = c.midleg_l.l;
c.midleg_l.a = rtg(-0.5*PI,-0.7*PI,-0.3*PI);
c.midleg_r.a = c.midleg_l.a + rtg(0,-PI*0.5,PI*0.5);
c.midleg_l.tl1 = c.midthigh_l.tl1 * rg(0.8,0,1);
c.midleg_l.tl2 = c.midthigh_l.tl2 * rg(0.8,0,1);
c.midleg_r.tl1 = c.midleg_l.tl1;
c.midleg_r.tl2 = c.midleg_l.tl2;
if (hoofy < 0.3){ c.midpaw_l.l = c.midleg_l.l*rtg(0.5,0,1); c.midpaw_r.l = c.midpaw_l.l; c.midpaw_l.a = rtg(-0.2*PI,-0.7*PI,0.3*PI); c.midpaw_r.a = c.midpaw_l.a + rtg(0,-PI*0.5,PI*0.5); }else{ c.midpaw_l.l = c.midleg_l.l*rtg(1,0,2); c.midpaw_r.l = c.midpaw_l.l; c.midpaw_l.a = rtg(0.3*PI,0.0*PI,0.8*PI); c.midpaw_r.a = c.midpaw_l.a + rtg(0,-PI*0.5,PI*0.5); } } c.hip_l.l = rg(20,10,100); c.hip_r.l = c.hip_l.l; c.hip_l.a = rtg(-0.3*PI,-0.5*PI,0.1*PI); c.hip_r.a = c.hip_l.a + rtg(0,-PI*0.4,PI*0.4); c.hip_l.tl1 = rg(80,10,200); c.hip_l.tl2 = rg(20,0,30); c.hip_r.tl1 = c.hip_l.tl1; c.hip_r.tl2 = c.hip_l.tl2; c.hindthigh_l.l = rg(100,20,200); c.hindthigh_r.l = c.hindthigh_l.l; c.hindthigh_l.a = rtg(-0.5*PI,-0.7*PI,-0.3*PI); c.hindthigh_r.a = c.hindthigh_l.a + rtg(0,-PI*0.4,PI*0.4); c.hindthigh_l.tl1 = rg(20,0,30); c.hindthigh_l.tl2 = rg(20,0,30); c.hindthigh_r.tl1 = c.hindthigh_l.tl1; c.hindthigh_r.tl2 = c.hindthigh_l.tl2; c.hindleg_l.l = rg(100,20,200); c.hindleg_r.l = c.hindleg_l.l; c.hindleg_l.a = rtg(0.5*PI,0.3*PI,0.7*PI); c.hindleg_r.a = c.hindleg_l.a + rtg(0,-PI*0.4,PI*0.4); c.hindleg_l.tl1 = rg(5,0,30); c.hindleg_l.tl2 = rg(20,0,30); c.hindleg_r.tl1 = c.hindleg_l.tl1; c.hindleg_r.tl2 = c.hindleg_l.tl2; c.hindpaw_l.l = rg(80,20,150); c.hindpaw_r.l = c.hindpaw_l.l; c.hindpaw_l.a = rtg(-0.3*PI,-0.6*PI,-0.0*PI); c.hindpaw_r.a = c.hindpaw_l.a + rtg(0,-PI*0.4,PI*0.4); c.wing_a_l.l = rg(100,10,200); c.wing_a_r.l = c.wing_a_l.l; c.wing_a_l.a = rtg(-0.8*PI,-1.0*PI,-0.5*PI); c.wing_a_r.a = c.wing_a_l.a + rtg(0,-PI*0.4,PI*0.4); c.wing_a_l.tl1 = rg(50,0,100); c.wing_a_l.tl2 = rg(0,0,10); c.wing_a_r.tl1 = c.wing_a_l.tl1; c.wing_a_r.tl2 = c.wing_a_l.tl2; c.wing_b_l.l = rg(100,10,200); c.wing_b_r.l = c.wing_b_l.l; c.wing_b_l.a = rtg(0.2*PI,0.0*PI,0.7*PI); c.wing_b_r.a = c.wing_b_l.a + rtg(0,-PI*0.4,PI*0.4); c.wing_b_l.tl1 = rg(80,0,160); c.wing_b_l.tl2 = rg(0,0,10); c.wing_b_r.tl1 = c.wing_b_l.tl1; c.wing_b_r.tl2 = c.wing_b_l.tl2; c.wing_c_l.l = rg(100,10,200); c.wing_c_r.l = c.wing_c_l.l; c.wing_c_l.a = rtg(-0.3*PI,-0.6*PI,0.0*PI); c.wing_c_r.a = c.wing_c_l.a + rtg(0,-PI*0.4,PI*0.4); c.wing_c_l.tl1 = rg(80,0,160); c.wing_c_l.tl2 = rg(0,0,10); c.wing_c_r.tl1 = c.wing_c_l.tl1; c.wing_c_r.tl2 = c.wing_c_l.tl2; c.tail_a.l = rg(100,0,200); c.tail_a.a = rg(0,-PI/3,PI/3); c.tail_a.tl1 = rg(5,0,50); c.tail_a.tl2 = rg(10,0,50); c.tail_b.l = rg(100,0,200); c.tail_b.a = rg(0,-PI/3,PI/3); c.tail_b.tl1 = rg(5,0,50); c.tail_b.tl2 = rg(10,0,50); c.tail_c.l = rg(100,0,200); c.tail_c.a = rg(0,-PI/3,PI/3); c.pelvis.a = -PI+ atan2(c.spine_a.loc()[1]-c.pelvis.loc()[1],c.spine_a.loc()[0]-c.pelvis.loc()[0]); bonecol = new float[]{rtg(5,0,50),random(5,15),90}; fincol = new float[]{random(100),0,0,rg(5,0,50),0,0,random(30),random(0.2,1),0}; feathercol = new float[]{rtg(5,0,80),0,0,rg(5,0,50),0,0,random(60),random(0.5,1),0}; if (filltype == "fur"){ col = new float[]{rtg(5,0,30),2,10,random(10,50),-10,10,random(30),20,50}; }else if (filltype == "scale"){ col = new float[]{random(100),2,10,random(10,50),-10,10,random(20),10,10}; } fur = new float[]{rg(6,0,20),8,0,50000}; pat = new float[]{floor(random(4))}; } public void render(){ //c.drawbody(); if (maind(ctype) == 2){ winged = 1; } switch (maind(ctype)){ case 0: c.drawforeleg_r(filltype,col,fur,pat); c.drawhindleg_r(filltype,col,fur,pat); c.drawclaw(c.foreleg_r,c.forepaw_r,(clawsize+1)/2,clawbend,bonecol,dark(col),fur,pat); c.drawclaw(c.hindleg_r,c.hindpaw_r,(clawsize+1)/2,clawbend,bonecol,dark(col),fur,pat); if (sixleg == 1){ c.drawmidleg_r(filltype,col,fur,pat); c.drawclaw(c.midleg_r,c.midpaw_r,(clawsize+1)/2,clawbend,bonecol,dark(col),fur,pat); } break;case 1: c.drawfin_r(dark(fincol)); if (sixleg == 1){ c.drawmidfin_r(dark(fincol)); } break;case 2: c.drawhindleg_r("scale",col,fur,pat); c.drawhindlegnotail_l("scale",col,fur,pat); c.drawclaw(c.hindleg_r,c.hindpaw_r,clawsize,clawbend,bonecol,dark(col),fur,pat); c.drawclaw(c.hindleg_l,c.hindpaw_l,clawsize,clawbend,bonecol,col,fur,pat); break; } if (winged > 0.8){
switch (maind(ctype)){
case 0:
if (tailstyle == 1){
}else if (tailstyle == 2){
c.drawback(filltype,col, fur, pat);
case 1:
case 2:
if (random(1) > 0.5){
if (random(1) <0.2){
if (maind(ctype) == 2){
if (random(1) <0.2){ c.drawantler(col); } if (filltype == "fur"){ c.drawear(random(0.1,0.3),random(20,120),new float[]{random(10),2,10,random(20),-10,10,random(50,80),20,50},col,fur,pat); } if (random(1)>0.5){
c.draweye(0.75,-c.head.tl1*random(0.1,0.8),random(15,40),new float[]{eyehue,random(30),random(80,100)},new float[]{eyehue,random(60),random(0,50)},col,fur,pat);
if (winged > 0.8){
switch (maind(ctype)){
case 0:
if (tailstyle == 0){
if (sixleg == 1){
break;case 1:
if (sixleg == 1){
break;case 2:
float[] trans = new float[] {500,400};
Creature c = new Creature();
Generator g;
float[] bd;
void settings(){
void setup(){
void draw(){
//c.wing_c_l.a += PI/4;
float flippy = choice(0,1);
g = new Generator();
bd = new float[]{0,0,0,0};
if (flippy == 1){
if (flippy == 1){
float sc = min(width*0.7/(bd[1]-bd[0]),height*0.7/(bd[3]-bd[2]));