Comments on: Final Project – Recursive Photo Booth Carnegie Mellon University / Spring 2010 Mon, 10 May 2010 03:41:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: golan Tue, 20 Apr 2010 16:22:29 +0000 Comments from 4/19 crit –

✓ Sol: Recursive Photos


How do you trigger the camera? You should make it vision-based. Maybe a thumbs up or something.

Is it hard to do multiple picture frames?
Oh you mean multiple markers? No, actually, it’s not. But any more than one felt arbitrary…. -SB
Yeah, I’m not sure how they would interact because one would cover up the other when they’re layered on top of each other.

Can you put the device in a picture frame? Also, I like the idea of a big red button you press when you want to take a picture.
Put an overlay on the keyboard that, when you press any key, it goes off, and it’s shaped like a big red button.
That would be awesome. Just put a button in the frame where your hand goes.

Is there any memory issue if you play over 50 times?
….good question. 🙂 Not a RAM issue of photo storage, since the photos are stored to hard drive. But it does launch a thread on each photo snap, and I’m not sure how Processing handles closing them….I’ll experiment, thanks. -SB

It would be interesting if you could fit more images in the photo at once
…that advice seems to directly translate to smaller tags. I’ll experiment with smaller sizes, thanks. -SB

Awesome! It’s simple, but fun! Clearly a success, lots of laughs and smiles!
I agree with Golan, it needs a teaser when no one is using it. Just refine the functionality so it works a bit better.

You need a teaser image when nobody is there.
Please experiment with the printed tag size. I think it would produce nicer results at 66-75% of its current size — this would encourage people to get closer to the frame. It’s nice to see people’s faces better!
Try putting a lozenge-shaped “grip hole” in the foamcore/cardboard tag. This way, people’s fingers are naturally “guided away” from overlapping the printed tag.

Fix the “hands accidentally covering the black line breaks the picture” bug… either give the user clear places to put their hands (like handles or even more space to hold it) or fix the detection algorithm

Really cool! I would make it more interactive perhaps though. Maybe have graphics interact with the images as well. Like that project we saw where little graphics and animations popped out of the pictures in a book. Great start! -Amanda

Super cool. could maybe use something to change the environment around to provide more variety, liek video effects or something, or being able to split and tile your image to have more recursion. could be cool if you could shake the frame and have it shuffle a photo from its history into the frame, to mix things up and make it more interactive too.

It reminds me the interaction of japanese girl in the photo sticker machine.
