Comments on: speaker Carnegie Mellon University / Spring 2010 Mon, 10 May 2010 03:41:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: golan Sun, 07 Mar 2010 00:18:00 +0000 Hi Cheng – here are the group comments from the crit.

This has a lot of potential. Let’s talk. -GL.

Woahhh…ambitious and awesometastic! Great job making your own machine! Very cool use of real-time audio input. And very great for the time you had! I think the only restraint here is that you had so little time. Another idea that may help is to use a stiffer wire. Also, it would be cool, if this were placed in a museum or something, if people who interacted with it could cut off and take their piece of generated wire home with them. But, very, very successful for the time you had! 🙂 –Amanda

Very nice! Experiment with different servos to solve your engineering issues, maybe? Maybe you only need a micro servo to get the force you need, letting you maintain precision? -SB

Great job, Cheng! It would be cool if you worked on this for your final.
