Comments on: Form Constant Visualization Carnegie Mellon University / Spring 2010 Mon, 10 May 2010 03:41:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: golan Thu, 18 Feb 2010 20:36:24 +0000 Hi Max, here are the comments from the crit.

haha. can you post that paper on the blog?
This is basically the paper:

great investigation and very cool patterns. It’d be interesting if the user could change the patterns based on some interaction other than the controls you currently have (ex: change in location of the mouse)

The blur in the image actually works well for me. they seem to give a depth of view.

agreed, keep the blur. Or at least get rid of it last.

You’ve got style, kid. Interesting starting point for an investigation, and a fun approach to consider implementing the equations in some old paper about form constants and psychedelic patterns. It sounds like you’ve learned a lot about perception and human image processing. Recommend anti-aliased pixel-fetching, which is easy — and using something more organic than perfect cartesian Stripes/Grids as source images — such as reaction-diffusion stripes etc.

Tomorrow Never Knows – i approve.
at first, i thought maybe the pixelation was intentional but i guess not.

That seam is there.
This looks more like computer generated patterns than more blobby natural hallucinations, though I’ve never taken LSD.

Looks good. Would like to see some smoothing on the line edges though. Definitely looks like what happens with a migraine to me

Quartz Composer – very interesting and unusual tool choice for a final deliverable (at least to a systems/interaction guy like me). Would like to hear more about that. As presentation goes, you could more explicitly tie in how the paper inspired the specific “hallucinations” you decided to program. (That is to say, you explain it, but not clearly and in a way that makes me strain to remember fine details of the slides from a few minutes earlier.) It feels a little unfair to chide you for that though, because the problem arises from having done so much background research and having so much to present! Still, worth keeping an eye out for in case you wind up with some version of this in front of SIGGRAPH. -SB
