Comments on: Tesserae: Making Art Out of Google Images Carnegie Mellon University / Spring 2010 Mon, 10 May 2010 03:41:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: placebo Thu, 28 Jan 2010 15:20:14 +0000 Hi Max – here are the PiratePad notes from the crit.

Nice use of the Pecha Kucha format. Wow, a whole tool to make tiles from Google image searches. I guess you had to get a Google API key. NICE NICE NICE contribution, I can imagine other people really wanting to use this tool. -GL

What about SORTING WITHIN these results? e.g. China, you have hundreds of images. Could there be color-based sub-clusters that map to some kind of sub-content-groupings? -GL

I like your ability to count down when you run out of things to say…
Very ambitious! Got your own website, nice! Cute monkey pictures…Very nice demonstration in general! I like the tiles–GORGEOUS!! I’m jealous–you’re project seemed to have turned out very well. I’m glad you showed specific examples: if I had just played around with it on my own I would’ve have been able to necessarily find anything interesting from your data. Very, very nice work! 🙂 But…what exactly is Pecha Kucha format? I just googled it, so I’m good now, but that may have been something you would’ve wanted to go over in your project. *major props* -Amanda

I wonder how you can talk about this other project and how it influenced your work to a non-Golan Levin Studio audience (we were all here last week, but random Pecha Kucha member wouldn’t have been.)
Making a website was a good idea in this case, it seems to help “prep” me for what to expect. As for the visualization, it seems to beg “MAN THIS IS COOL…how can I personalize or contribute to this?” This has the potential to really take off if you can think of one or two ways to really “package” your work. It feels like the website is the necessary but maybe not sufficient first step. (Random thoughts….Suggest that people start by, say, typing their name or a random fact about them? Give people a gallery space or a “most popular” section? Make it into a physical, self-published book?) -SB

i like how you described your images as storytelling and how “quilt-like” it looks with patchwork-esque-nes….

Great examples. This slide looks amazing even on a projector.

I wonder if it would look even better if you filtered out images that have a lot of white. I’m a little distracted by the random patches of white.

I love the mosaic effect- it allows you to compare more aspects of the images than just the average color. Are any of the images repeated?
